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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Petroperu Tenders for Latin American or WAF Crude

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 12, 2014

State-run Petroperu has launched a tender to buy a 360,000 barrel cargo of a Latin American or West African crude to be received at Conchan and Talara ports on September 26-30, according to a document seen by Reuters on Tuesday.

The Peruvian company has been buying 1-2 monthly cargoes of crude on the open market so far this year and it has also recently tendered to purchase fuel oil, naphtha, ultra low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel.

For this tender, the company will accept offers of Ecuadorian Napo or Oriente crudes; Colombian Vasconia, Castilla, South Blend or Cano Limon; Venezuelan Lagotreco, Mesa 30, Santa Barbara or Leona 24; Argentine Escalante, Canadon Seco or Roncador 28; and Brazilian Bijupira or Marlim.

It will also accept offers of any West African crude.

Bids will be received until August 14 and they must refer to Brent or West Texas Intermediate crudes prices.


Reporting by Marianna Parraga