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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

MOL Marine Use Diesel Particulate Filter

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

March 25, 2010

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. announced the joint development with Akasaka Diesels Limited of a diesel particulate filter (DPF) for vessels that use marine heavy fuel oil. MOL reported that tests showed that the device removed more than 80% of particulate matter (PM) from diesel emissions. In the test, a DPF was installed on the main engine of an MOL Group-operated coastal ferry, the Sunflower Kogane. This test marked the first successful use of a self-regenerating DPF on a large vessel using marine heavy fuel oil. The Sunflower Kogane (9,710 gt, main engine: 9,267kw) is operated by The Diamond Ferry Co., Ltd., an MOL Group company.

The DPF includes filters made of silicon carbide ceramic fibers, which remove PM from the exhaust. An internal heating system automatically burns off accumulated PM in the filter to eliminate clogging. This eliminates the necessity for cleaning by seafarers and allows the filter to be used continuously.

Installation of the new DPF will potentially reduce soot emissions from vessels on ocean cargo routes as well as those entering and leaving ports and operating their engines while at berth, thus helping curtail possible effects of exhaust emissions. Following the success of the experiment, MOL and Akasaka Diesels will further upgrade the DPF to ready the device for practical installation on diesel main engines and auxiliary engines of large-scale ocean-going vessels.