Northrop Grumman Corporation today announced that it has extended its pending exchange offer for all outstanding shares of common stock, including associated rights, of
Newport News Shipbuilding Inc. (NYSE: NNS) from Oct. 18, 2001, to Oct. 25,
2001, at midnight E.D.T.
Approximately 7,571,023 shares of Newport News Shipbuilding common stock
had been tendered to Northrop Grumman as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on Oct. 18, 2001,
including approximately 4,692,257 shares tendered pursuant to notices of
guaranteed delivery.
Northrop Grumman Corporation is a $15 billion, global aerospace and defense company with its worldwide headquarters in Los Angeles. Northrop
Grumman provides technologically advanced, innovative products, services and
solutions in defense and commercial electronics, systems integration, information technology and non-nuclear shipbuilding and systems. With
80,000 employees and operations in 44 states and 25 countries, Northrop Grumman serves U.S. and international military, government and commercial