Norcontrol IT has been awarded the contract to supply a coastal
surveillance system for monitoring the movements of vessels in the Jindo’s
coastal sea area, on the west coast of Korea, outside of Mokpo. 10 VTS
suppliers were involved in the bidding process with Norcontrol IT chosen
as the preferred supplier for VTS and AIS solutions.
The Jindo Coastal VTS system will be a premium VTS system and will include
a number of subsystems such as a five radar site, meteorological system, 2
x VHF direction finders and a VHF communication system. Automatic
Identifications System (AIS) will also be implemented with 2 x AIS base
stations forming the shoreside network. In addition the sytem will utilise
an advanced database for efficient storage and distribution of vessel
traffic data.
This contract is a result of close co-operation between Norcontrol IT and
its Korean agent, Chang San IT. Chang San IT will handle the
installation, testing and warranty of the new system. As a domestic
supplier Chang San IT can secure an efficient and flexible support network
for the customer during installation and throughout the system’s
operational life.
For ease of operation, the entire system will be in Korean language.
Norcontrol IT has been involved in language translation for VTS systems
since the 1990’s when the company provided language support for both
French and Spanish VTS workstations. The company has alo translated its
systems into Chinese.
In addition, Norcontrol IT has implemented AIS into its VTMIS5060 for five
ports in Korea: Busan, Incheon, Yesou & Gwangyang, Gunsan and Daesan. The
VTMIS5060 systems in these ports have been operating for several years but
the recently implemented AIS will increase the benefits from their VTMIS.
Korean ports are concerned about maritime safety and efficiency. By
working in close cooperation with Korean ports and authorities Norcontrol
IT consistently addresses these concerns. The company will maintain its
strong standing throughout the Korean peninsula as Chang San IT will
continue market Norcontrol IT solutions within the Republic of Korea.