Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

KPI Project Gains Momentum

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

March 28, 2013

So far, 120 companies have registered with the international KPI Project, started by InterManager but now an industry-led initiative.

KPI data is being uploaded from more than 1,600 vessels into the web-based InterManager KPI Environment (IMKE) system. To date more than 5,000 sets of data have been submitted for each KPI category — enabling analysis to provide industry rankings for each measurement.
Captain Kuba Szymanski, InterManager Secretary General, said, “Around 72% of those submitting data are owner related – that is in-house managers, owners or owners who also offer third party management – with only 28% currently ‘pure’ third-party ship managers.”
Of the vessels submitting data tankers form the largest sector. Take-up is now also being seen from the passenger vessel sector:
Tanker: 41%                            Container: 28%
Bulk Carrier: 14%                   Gas Carrier: 5%
Passenger Ships: 1%           Other: 11%
Capt. Szymanski commented, “We are starting to see some very interesting trends – trends which, in some cases, bust old myths and some which put a completely different angle on the shipping industry we thought we knew. We can see which sector of the industry has safer records, which are exercising better retention rates and which are embracing KPI concepts faster than the others. The interesting trends are only suggestive at the start, based on the available data and are not necessarily conclusive.”