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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Shortsea Shipping News

03 Dec 2024

FMC's Bentzel Looks Offshore to Puerto Rico

FMC Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel weighs in, urging policies to help Puerto Rico become an Offshoring and Distribution Hub. His staement of today, follows:Events of recent years have made many who are interested in trade, transportation, and supply chain issues question the model of relying predominantly on manufacturers based in one nation located far from the United States. Identifying manufacturing capacity closer to our shores has become a priority for leaders in government and industry.Puerto Rico is a location that with the proper incentives and support could be a vital manufacturing and distribution hub serving the mainland United States.

03 Dec 2019

Unifeeder Acquires Feedertech

Denmark’s Short-sea operator Unifeeder , part of the global port operator DP World, has acquired a 77% stake in The Feedertech Group, a Singapore-based feeder and shortsea operator.The Group’s Chairman, Ali Maghami, will retain the remaining 23% shareholding.Established in 2003, the Group operates two companies; Feedertech, which is a feedering service and Perma, a regional shortsea network. Both operate in the same market and connect the fast-growing trade route of Asia-Middle East via the Indian Subcontinent.The Group generates annual revenue of close to $200m from a diversified customer mix, calls at 50 ports and transports over 600k TEU annually.“The Feedertech Group has enjoyed great success over the years and we are proud of our achievements.

02 Dec 2019

DFDS in Charter Deal with CLdN

Danish international shipping and logistics company DFDS has entered into two mutual space charter agreements with the Luxembourg-based short sea specialist Compagnie Luxembourgeoise d'Navigation (CLdN) CLdN that also operates a freight ferry route between Gothenburg and Zeebrugge.In June 2019, DFDS opened a freight ferry route between Gothenburg, Sweden, and Zeebrugge, Belgium, that currently deploys three freight ferries offering five weekly departures in each direction.However, in order to optimize capacity utilization and reduce the environmental impact, DFDS has entered into two mutual space charter agreements with CLdN that also…

21 Nov 2019

Wilson Buys Two Bulkers

Wilson Ship Management, a short sea company working hand in hand with major players within the Norwegian and European industry, has signed an agreement to purchase the two bulk carriers MV Lauren C (2007) and MV Nicole C (2008), both of 5,000 dwt.The vessels are expected to be acquired during the first quarter of 2020. Upon acquisition, both vessels will be given Wilson names. The purchase is financed through equity and deductions from the company's loan facility in the bank.The acquisition of MV Lauren C and MV Nicole C marks the growth of today's fleet with two vessels. The acquisition underpins Wilson's long-term belief in the market and is the company's first vessel in the 5,000 dwt segment.Meanwhile, Wilson has entered into an agreement to sell the bulk carrier MV Wilson REEF.

19 Nov 2019

Rhenus-Arkon-Shipinvest Orders 4 Vessels

German shipping company Rhenus-Arkon-Shipinvest has placed orders for the first four environmentally-friendly vessels known as Hanse Eco Short Sea Coasters.The short sea bulkers are expected to be delivered during the second half of 2021, with the construction work scheduled to begin in February 2020.The vessels are based on the latest developments related to environmental protection, digitization and design.The ‘Hanse Eco’ fleet is the result of an initiative launched by Torsten Westphal, one of the founding members of Arkon Shipping. Developing a future-oriented short sea fleet provides a sustainable solution for shipbuilding that is designed to meet specific needs – and this work is taking place with its partner Rhenus…

11 Oct 2019

SHORTSEA SHIPPING: All the Right Moves (Finally)

The Baton Rouge-NOLA container on barge service / (CREDIT: Port of New Orleans)

Marine Highways Gain Traction in the Intermodal Supply Chain.In the United States, landside infrastructure is at a crisis point. Congestion at the big hub ports, exacerbated by imperfect intermodal interfaces with surface transport serving cargo hinterlands is at the heart of the matter. As politicians bicker over a possible infrastructure package, the Highway Trust Fund, funded by taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel, has continued its downward journey towards further deficits (now $144 billion). And, where countless U.S.

22 Sep 2019

Cleancor's LNG Supply Push Via Mississipi River

Cleancor Energy Solutions, a unit of the the marine services company SEACOR Holdings, launched a joint initiative with the logistics and barge transportation company SCF Marine to increase the use and supply of LNG and CNG natural gas throughout the Mississippi River system.SCF’s in-depth knowledge of the U.S. Inland Waterways and its strategically located ports, terminals, barge fleets, and existing customer relationships provide Cleancor with a robust platform from which to deploy modern and mobile LNG and CNG equipment. In addition to bunkering towboats, LNG can serve as a viable and scalable alternative fueling solution for a variety of inland manufacturing…

30 Aug 2019

MN100: Harbor Harvest's Shortsea, Environmentally Correct Shipping Arrives

Haerbor Harvest's first shortsea new build.

The Captain Ben Moore is the third in a series of 65-foot aluminum catamarans built by Derecktor and powered by BAE Systems hybrid technology. The vessel was built for Harbor Harvest, a Norwalk, CT, based company set on changing the way fresh produce and foods are transported around metro areas. The forward-thinking vessel will carry goods from regional family farms across Long Island Sound, relieving traffic congestion and reducing emissions. The vessel has a top speed of 15 knots and boasts 300 square feet of open cargo space…

05 Aug 2019

Seacor to Acquire JV Partner's Sea-Vista Stake

Eric Fabrikant, Chief Operating Officer of SEACOR Holdings Inc. (CREDIT Seacor Holdings)

Seacor Holdings Announces Acquisition of Joint Venture Partner’s Interest in Sea-Vista.SEACOR Holdings Inc. announced that it has become the sole owner of its consolidated SEA-Vista joint venture, acquiring through a subsidiary the 49% interest that had been owned by an affiliate of Avista Capital Partners (the “Seller”). Purchase consideration consisted of $106 million in cash and 1,500,000 shares of the Company’s common stock (the “Consideration Shares”).In connection with the purchase…

30 Jul 2019

U.S. DOT Names Nine Marine Highway Projects

Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) today announced the designation of nine Marine Highway Projects and a Marine Highway Route that will benefit Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington State and American Samoa. Marine highways are navigable waterways that can be used as alternate options to traditional shipping methods. “The designation of marine highways by Congress will help move cargo and people to help grow the economy and shift freight off of congested highways,” said Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

18 Jul 2019

Samskip Connects Norway to Baltic

European container transportation company Samskip has announced the launch a new service connecting Norway to Baltic countries.The logistics company said in a press release that this service will start on August 16th, 2019 and will add various ports to the Samskip Europe’s largest network transport service.The new connections are counting Iceland and Faroe Islands via Cuxhaven and Aarhus, North Norway. On the operational side we introduce two geared container vessels, 220 TEU vessels, 85 reefer plugs, and a deep sea feeder via Hamburg.''Customers who are demanding reliable transit times and have any kind of transport requirements for business between the Balticum / Poland and Norway…

12 Jul 2019

Rhine water levels hit 2-month low

File Image: Cargo movement along an inland waterway in Germany (CREDIT: AdobeStock / 
 © digitalstock

Water levels along the Rhine river, a key waterway for transporting commodities and other products from coastal areas to inland locations in France, Germany and Switzerland, fell to their lowest since May 21, Refinitiv Eikon data showed.Levels at the Kaub <WL-KAUB> location in Germany hit 201 centimetres and have been steadily declining since late June, the data showed.Oil barge brokers said the low water levels meant barges were leaving the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp refining and storage hub to inland locations not fully laden.Water levels along the river hit a record low of 25 cm in October

03 Jul 2019

The Best 100 Firms in the Brown Water, Workboat Space

MarineNews Editor Joseph Keefe

Is your company a Top 100 performer? The END of application period for this year’s MN100 edition is just over the horizon. Only those who apply can be considered for inclusion.The MN100, always our August print edition, is our annual look at the best 100 firms in the MarineNews, brown water, workboat space. There will never be a better time for you to tell MarineNews just why your firm is one of the best in the business. All of that – the selected 100 companies – will be featured in the August edition of the largest BPA-audited b-to-b publication in this genre.

24 Jun 2019

Samskip Readies Multimodal Network

Europe's largest multimodal transport group by freight volume Samskip said it is fully prepared for a North Sea container traffic surge, as attitudes harden in the run up to October's revised Brexit deadline.The global logistics company offering transport and related services by land, sea, rail and air said in a release that UK exporters and importers to start switching away from trailers and towards containerisation very soon, repeating a trend established in the run-up to the original deadline for Brexit.“We saw a significant push in container volumes up to March 2019, especially into Hull, as decision-makers facing uncertainity opted for the reliability and proven procedures of container shipping,” says David Besseling, Samskip UK Trade Manager.

17 Jun 2019

Neptune Installs Scrubbers in Two Vessels

The shipping transportation solutions provider Neptune Lines is making an important investment in scrubbers with 10 units installed until Q1 2020.Denmark-based ME Production (MEP), a player in marine technologies solutions for marine equipment and energy markets, was selected to supply the units while the first two installations were successfully completed in Odessos shipyard in Varna and commissioned shortly after.By fitting these MEP systems, the ships will be compliant with the International Maritime Organization’s SOx regulations, which is coming into force in 2020 and represent the most far reaching, fundamental change in worldwide…

14 Jun 2019

Greece Hosts Shortsea Shipping Day

Panos Kirnidis, CEO of Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) was one of the first speakers to welcome shortsea shipping experts, owners, charters and sector professionals to the 2019 Shortsea Shipping Day at the Piraeus Yacht Club in Greece on Thursday 14 June.As the lead sponsor for the event, organised with among others the European Shortsea Network and the Hellenic Short Sea Shipowners Association (HSSA), Panos Kirnidis stressed the importance of short sea shipping to the industry and the significant role it plays in the development of European economies.“This has been a significant week for Palau International Ship Registry as in London on Monday at the IMO Executive Committee we were proud and honoured to be recognised as White List members of the Standards of Training…

16 May 2019

INSIGHTS: Dennis Wilmsmeyer, Executive Director, America's Central Port

Dennis Wilmsmeyer, Executive Director, America's Central Port

Dennis Wilmsmeyer was appointed Executive Director at America’s Central Port on July 1, 2010, prior to which he served 11 years with the Port District, six as General Manager.With over 30 years of experience, Dennis brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table in the areas of transportation, planning, and economic development. His responsibilities include developing the Port’s 1,200-acre industrial park and business campus, redeveloping a former military logistics center…

09 May 2019

Finland-Norway Rail Link for Arctic Sea Route

A Finnish company said on Thursday it planned to develop a railway connection between north Finland and Norway's Kirkenes port to link with potential Arctic shipping routes at an estimated cost of between 3-5 billion euros ($3.4-5.6 billion).Global warming has reduced ice coverage in the Arctic, opening up the possibility of new and shorter shipping lanes between north Europe and Asia, though control of routes is disputed.Finland's Finest Bay Area Development said it had signed a memorandum of understanding with Norway's Sør-Varanger Utvikling to investigate how to build a railway and its impact on the environment, society and the economy."An Arctic railway would connect Finland to the Northeast Passage," Kustaa Valtonen, a director at Finest Bay Area Development, said in a statement.

22 Jan 2019

Tampa Bay’s Cross Bay Ferry a winner for HMS Ferries

The seasonal ferry underway (CREDIT: Cross Bay Ferry)

The Ferry’s second season this year presents permanent possibilities.The Cross Bay Ferry from Tampa’s Florida Aquarium dock to the dock at the North Yacht Basin in St. Petersburg, Florida is off to a rollicking start, with 3,000 more passengers in it’s debut month of November 2018 than its strongest month during the 2016/2017 test period, and with continued support from Tampa Bay area leadership.“We are very encouraged by the numbers we are seeing so far,” St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman said.

14 Nov 2018

Yilport Oslo Breaks Cargo Record

Norwegian container operator Yilport Oslo set an all time high record in a single month with 21 363 TEUS in October 2018, registering an increase of 28 % compared to October last year.Maiken Solemdal, Commercial Manager at Yilport Oslo explained the growth as a result of the terminal's Short Sea focus:“In the first 10 months we have a growth of 10,4 % compared to 2017. Increased volume is mainly Intra European cargo that previous was transported from Europe to Norway by trucks."By changing the dynamics in the supply chain with flexible solutions, such as extended opening hours both at vessel operation and in the gate that can compete with trucks we are not only growing as a terminal…

17 Oct 2018

Cross-Bay Ferry Returning to Tampa Bay

Service begins Nov. 1 with new dock at Florida Aquarium and Sparkman Wharf. Six-month season has lower ticket prices and more amenities. The hugely popular Cross-Bay Ferry service is returning to Tampa Bay in just a few weeks, with service starting Thursday, November 1 and six months of scheduled service through April 2019.This season, the ferry will have a new schedule, later evening runs and lower ticket prices: $8 for adults, $3 for children ages 5-18, and discounts for seniors, active/retired military and college students. In St.

01 Nov 2018

London Thamesport Eyes Short-Sea Container Hub Status

Hutchison Ports London Thamesport’s growing reputation as a short-sea container hub has been further enhanced by Helsinki-based Containerships plc’s introduction of a second weekly service from Gdynia, Poland.Containerships has chosen the Kent based port for its second direct service to and from the southern part of the UK. The service offers regular and fast connections with Poland, with improved service and transit times from Gdynia of 3-4 days and 4-6 days for the return journey.Mark Taylor, on behalf of London Thamesport, said:  “We are delighted to welcome Containerships’ second weekly service to London Thamesport. Containerships’ port of choice reflects the growing interest we are seeing for short sea container services into London Thamesport.