Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Shipowners News

23 Jun 2024

Emanuele Grimaldi Re-Elected Chairman of the ICS

Emanuele Grimaldi courtesy of ICS.

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Board of Directors has unanimously re-elected Emanuele Grimaldi, President and Managing Director of Grimaldi Euromed SpA, as Chairman of the Board.Grimaldi will continue as Chairman for another term of two years.“I am deeply honored to have been re-elected as Chairman of the ICS for another two years. It is a privilege to be part of this important association and the great work and progress being made for our industry. We have made good…

12 Mar 2024

German Shipowners Seek Clarity from Berlin on Carbon Trading

© enanuchit / Adobe Stock

German shipowners' group VDR on Tuesday urged the Berlin government to provide legislation implementing European Union requirements to include the sector in the bloc's carbon trading system.The government is behind in transforming an EU agreement late in 2022 to require shipowners to buy EU carbon permits to trigger investment in greener technologies, into national legislation, VDR said at its annual press conference."For us, the cornerstone of our operations is not only planning certainty but also the assurance of uniform competitive conditions on an international scale…

06 Feb 2024

European Shipowners Welcome EU Climate Target Proposal

© donvictori0 / Adobe Stock

The European Commission has published its proposal for a 2040 climate target: greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 90% by 2040 at the latest, receiving positive feedback from European shipowners.The shipowners welcome the strong commitment of the Commission to address “barriers to the deployment of low- and zero-emissions fuels including e-fuels and advanced biofuels” in shipping and to give the sector “priority access to these fuels over sectors that have access to other…

10 Jan 2024

Polish Shipping Association Joins ECSA

Source: Polish Shipowners' Association

The European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) has welcomed the Polish Shipping Association as a full member as of January 1, 2024.The Polish Shipping Association brings together the Polish Shipowners’ Association (ZAP) and the Polish Shipping Companies Association (PZPŻ).“We are proud to welcome the Polish Shipping Association as a new member of ECSA. The Polish Shipping Association extends the geographical scope covered by our membership, brings additional expertise and knowledge…

01 Dec 2023

Banga Takes Hong Kong Shipowners Association Helm

 Angad Banga, Caravel Group. Image courtesy ASA/Caravel Group

Angad Banga of the Caravel Group was elected as new Chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association (HKSOA). He succeeded Wellington Koo, of Valles Steamship Co., Ltd, who stepped down after completing his two-year term as Chairman of the HKSOA.Banga has also taken over the Chairmanship of Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA) at the same time. Banga’s tenure as Chairman of ASA will come to an end on the day of ASA’s next AGM to be held in Hong Kong on 28 May 2024.

23 Nov 2023

Angad Banga Elected Chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association

Angad Banga courtesy of HKSOA

Angad Banga of The Caravel Group was elected Chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association at the organization’s annual meeting held on November 22, 2023.Banga succeeds Wellington Koo, of Valles Steamship, who stepped down after completing his two-year term as Chairman.Richard Hext of Swire Shipping was elected Deputy Chairman, succeeding Banga. Qian Weizhong of COSCO Shipping (Hong Kong) and Wang Yongxin of China Merchants Energy Shipping Company Limited were re-elected as the Vice Chairmen.Koo…

08 Nov 2023

Greek Owners Top Global Cargo Carrying Capacity

© woodpencil / Adobe Stock

BIMCO’s Chief Shipping Analyst, Niels Rasmussen, has revealed that Greek and Chinese shipping companies now own 34% of the global fleet’s cargo capacity, with Greek owners leading on cargo capacity.“The global fleet of cargo carrying ships consists of around 61,000 ships with a deadweight capacity of about 2,200 million tonnes. The ships owned by Greek and Chinese shipping companies contribute 34% of the total fleet’s deadweight tonne capacity,” says Rasmussen.Although consolidation has been significant within the container shipping segment…

08 Aug 2023

Association of Panamanian Shipowners Joins ICS

© Zerophoto / Adobe Stock

The Association of Panamanian Shipowners (ARPA) has become an associate member of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).Launched in 2020, ARPA was created by shipowners and operators of vessels to strengthen Panama’s shipping industry by offering quality support, professionalism, credibility, and active contribution to the social economic and environmental improvement of the country.This membership will build on the relationships across the maritime sector as the industry continues to work together to find solutions to collective issues including piracy…

04 Jan 2023

China Shipowners’ Association Joins ICS

Emanuele Grimaldi, Chair of International Chamber of Shipping. Image courtesy ICS

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) welcomed the China Shipowners’ Association (CSA) as a Full Member from January 1, 2023. The CSA will join the ICS Board, which oversees the policy positions ICS presents on behalf of shipowners’ worldwide with the shipping industry’s global regulators, including the UN International Maritime Organization and the International Labor Organization. Established in 1993, the China Shipowner’s Association (CSA) is a voluntary trade organisation whose members are owners…

30 Jul 2021

UECC’s Edvardsen on Decarbonization: “There is no perfect solution, start the journey now”

Glenn Edvandsen, CEO, UECC. Photo courtesy UECC

UECC has emerged as a leader in regards to decarbonization, with an order earlier this year for its third LNG battery/hybrid Pure Car/Truck Carrier (PCTC). Glenn Edvardsen, CEO, discusses the strategy and the future for this Oslo-based ship owner.Glenn, to start, can you give a by-the-numbers overview of UECC?United European Car Carrier is a pan-European trading carrier, trading up to the Baltic, as far east as Turkey and down to north Africa. We operate about 18 vessels (of which) UECC-owns six, ranging from (a capacity of) 5,000 cars down to 1,000.

28 Apr 2020

ASA Appoints Sonoda as Secretary General

With the current international efforts to contain the spread of COVID19, travel restrictions are in place globally. However, ASA has determined that it is not an obstacle to have Yuichi Sonoda picked up his role as ASA newly appointed Sec-Gen with effect from May 1, 2020. This is a role he is thoroughly familiar with. As he had served as ASA Sec-Gen during the period between 2010 to 2014, he was instrumental in numerous initiatives and conferences.Involving in the work of ASA since its inception in 1992, (known then as Asian Shipowners’ Forum : ASF) Yuchi Sonoda had been tirelessly supporting and promoting ASA's vision and missions. In 1996, he was appointed as the Secretary of Shipping Economics Review Committee (SERC), one of the five Standing Committees of ASF.

25 Jul 2019

STAT of the Day: Middle East Shipowners

As the Middle East, and freedom of navigation issues come into sharper focus, today we look at the Top Middle Eastern vessel owning countries by fleet value, according to research by VesselsValue. To be succinct: the United Arab Emirates (UAE) dominates.