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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Seawork News

11 Jun 2019

Seawork 2019 Opens in Southampton

Photo: Joe Keefe

Workboats on the water is a hallmark of Seawork 2019 in Southampton, UK, and MarineNews magazine's Joe Keefe is in town tracking stories on the new technology, new boats and much more. A few select images from what is reportedly a busy 'day 1.'

21 Nov 2018

South Korea Dominates LNG Shipbuilding

The liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier orders received by South Korean shipbuilders have more than tripled from last year.According to Reuters, the three South Korean yards - Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), Hyundai Heavy Industries and Samsung Heavy Industries - have won the more than 50 orders for ships carrying LNG, with a total value of $9 billion.According to Clarkson, a shipbuilding research company in the U.K. on Nov. 20, LNG carrier orders from January to October this year totaled 43 units or 6.8 million cubic meters, a three-fold increase from a year earlier.Greek shipping companies triggered the sudden spike in orders, said Business Korea.

21 Aug 2018

U.S. Sanctions Russian Firms, Vessels Over N. Korea Oil Transfers

The United States on Tuesday announced sanctions on two Russian shipping companies and six vessels it said were involved in the transfer of refined petroleum products to North Korean vessels in violation of U.N. restrictions.The U.S. Treasury identified the firms as Vladivostok-based shipping companies Primorye Maritime Logistics Co Ltd (Primorye) and Gudzon Shipping Co LLC (Gudzon).It also named six Russian-flagged vessels: Bella, Bogatyr, Neptun, Partizan, Patriot and Sevastopol."Ship-to-ship transfers with North Korea-flagged vessels from Russia or elsewhere of any goods being supplied, sold, or transferred to or from (North Korea) are prohibited under the U.N. Security Council resolutions on North Korea and are sanctionable under U.S. law," U.S.

20 Jul 2018

S.Korea LNG Imports Set to Ease from Record

© alexyz3d / Adobe Stock

South Korean imports of liquefied natural gas are set to ease from record levels racked up in the first-half of the year, with appetite for the fuel from utilities seen fading as a raft of nuclear power stations come back online.The country's imports of the commodity jumped nearly 16 percent year-on-year to a record 22.7 million tonnes in the first six months of 2018, according to customs data in mid-July, boosted by demand from power firms as around half the nation's 24 nuclear…

22 May 2018

UN Seeks Traders' Help Enforcing North Korea Sanctions

© Nobilior / Adobe Stock

A U.N. monitoring group wants to enlist the help of the world's biggest oil trading companies to enforce sanctions that cap the amount of crude and related products North Korea can import, the coordinator said.The U.N. Security Council ramped up sanctions last year after North Korea said it had conducted missile tests that put the U.S. mainland in range of its nuclear weapons.Under the restrictions, Pyongyang is limited to importing 4 million barrels of crude and 500,000 barrels…