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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Remote Survey News

20 Sep 2023

Remote Operations: Challenges & Opportunities

Image courtesy Harvest Technology Group

Digitalization in the maritime industry continues to grow. Technology is constantly evolving, providing organizations with new ways to transform and manage their operations with adoption of technology creating first-mover advantage and future relevancy, and positivity impacting margins. The offshore services industry has been a major driver in the trend towards utilization of remote inspection and monitoring technology for Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance (IRM) of critical assets and infrastructure.

23 May 2023

Remote Survey is the New End-Game

ScoutDI has performed initial tests of its drone’s SLAM capabilities in the cargo tank of the Altera shuttle tanker Beothuk Spirit.
Source: ScoutDI

More than remote witnessing, more than remote data analysis, remote survey techniques are now going to aid the shift to full vessel autonomy.The technology that enables a robot to safely navigate an environment it has no prior knowledge of is called Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). “It is the key to autonomy for any aspiring can-do inspection robot.” That’s according to ScoutDI, a participant in the REDHUS project led by DNV which is developing a prototype inspection drone.SLAM is not a specific, copyrighted piece of technology.

22 Apr 2022

C-Innovation Brings Remote Survey Service to Gulf of Mexico

Credit: C-Innovation

Edison Chouest Offshore's affiliate C-Innovation has, through its C-Survey (C-S) division, brought its remote survey operations to the Gulf of Mexico for the first time, after two years of successful operation in Guyana.According to C-Innovation, remote surveys enable C-S to be fully operational 24/7 without personnel being onboard a vessel, eliminating associated travel time and expenses, offshore health and safety exposure, and the need for COVID-19 related measures.Credit: C-Innovation"After two years of successful operations in Guyana…

01 Feb 2022

ABS, N-KOM Testing Remote Survey Techniques for Shipyard Surveys

Credit: ABS

Maritime classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and Nakilat - Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd. (N-KOM) have teamed up to examine how techniques developed by ABS for its program of remote survey of vessels in service can be applied to surveys and inspections in the shipyard.Remote inspection technologies will be applied to six Class surveys for this trial, to test how they can then be used to verify the required survey or inspection by ABS Surveyors to optimize scheduling and minimize downtime for both the shipyard…

24 Feb 2021

ClassNK Grants Its fFrst Remote Survey Notation

The Online Certificate Delivery Ceremony: (Top right: Takakage Imai, President, MOL Ship Management Co., Ltd.; Bottom right: Master of M/V “Orca Ace”, Capt. Sergey Nichiporenko; Bottom left: Satoshi Fujii, General Manager, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.; Top left: Yoshinori Kozeki, Corporate Officer, ClassNK)

ClassNK granted its Remote Survey (RMSV) notation for ORCA ACE, PCC operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) and managed by MOL Ship Management Co., Ltd. (MOLSHIP). This is the first vessel on ClassNK’s registry to be marked with RMSV notation.To provide a proper guidance for remote surveys using ICT, ClassNK published its Guidelines for Remote Surveys (Ver.2) in January 2021 by incorporating outcomes of investigation and examination for presenting a transparent standards for remote survey application and ensuring reliability equivalent to conventional witness surveys. In Ver.

27 Jan 2021

ClassNK Updates Guidelines for Remote Surveys

Image: ClassNK

ClassNK released Guidelines for Remote Surveys Ver. 2.0, including a class notation requirement for the ship with advance preparation for remote surveys.ClassNK has been working on the advancement of surveys using digital technology in line with its R&D roadmap and Digital Grand Design 2030, and published Guidelines for Remote Surveys. Incorporating outcomes of investigation and examination for providing the standards in the application of remote surveys to ensure reliability equivalent to conventional witness surveys with transparency…