Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rd News

26 Jun 2024

Belships Continues Fleet Expansion

© AytugAskin / Adobe Stock

Norwegian dry bulk shipowner Belships announced further expansion of its Ultramax fleet through a pair of vessel acquisitions and newbuild orders.The company said on Wednesday it has declared an option to purchase the bulk carrier Belmar for $25.5 million. The vessel, which has been leased since its delivery as a newbuilding in 2021, will be taken over in Q4 2024. Belships said it will finance the acquisition using its available cash.In addition, Belships has agreed to pay $41 million to acquire a Japanese-built Ultramax of 64…

14 Jun 2024

Nergård Havfiske Names its New Vard-Built Stern Trawler

(Credit: Vard)

Nergård Havfiske has held a naming ceremony for its newbuild stern trawler, delivered by Norwegian shipbuilder Vard, which will sail under the name Sørkapp.The stern trawler is the third vessel Vard has delivered to Nergård Havfiske. The two previous trawlers are Breidtind and Senja. All three vessels were at the quay during the ceremony.Sørkapp is a stern trawler of VARD 8 02 design, developed by Vard in close collaboration with Nergård Havfiske, with a common objective to create an advanced trawler with all latest available technology on board.The 80.4 meters long vessel…

13 Jun 2024

New Nergård Havfiske Stern Trawler Named

Source: Vard

Nergård Havfiske’s third stern trawler Sørkapp was named in a ceremony in Tromsø, Norway, on June 13.The stern trawler is the third vessel Vard has delivered to Nergård Havfiske. The two previous trawlers are Breidtind and Senja. All three vessels were at the quay during the ceremony.Sørkapp is a Vard 8 02 design and is outfitted for semi-pelagic and bottom-trawling operations, emphasizing gentle handling of the catch to meet the latest requirements for fish health, efficiency and environmentally friendly operation.

23 May 2024

Kongsberg Maritime to Make Solstad’s Normand Sentinel More Energy Efficient

Normand Sentinel (Credit: Kongsberg Maritime)

Kongsberg Maritime has been tasked to conduct energy efficiency upgrades on Solstad’s Normand Sentinel, one of its most prominent subsea construction vessels.This upgrade will see the vessel transition to Kongsberg Maritime’s electric rim-drive azimuth thrusters, marking a milestone in maritime energy efficiency.The Normand Sentinel, measuring 143 metres in length and boasting years of reliable service, is set to receive this upgrade during its next scheduled drydocking.The vessel’s…

22 Apr 2024

Belships Expands Its Newbuild Program

© Leonid / Adobe Stock

Belships announced has expanded its newbuild program with two new 64,000 dwt Ultramax bulk carriers scheduled for delivery in 2028.The Norwegian-based company now has a total of 10 newbuilds under construction at Japanese shipyards with delivery between 2024 and 2028. All vessels are leased on time charter for a period of 7 to 10 years from delivery, with purchase options around current market levels. There is no obligation to purchase any of the vessels. Cash breakeven for the vessels upon delivery is about $14…

16 Apr 2024

Hurtigruten Advances Initiative for Zero Edible Food Waste

Head Chef Douglas Spiik preparing food for Hurtigruten's guests onboard MS Trollfjord's fine dining restaurant Røst courtesy of Hurtigruten

Hurtigruten is working towards drastically reducing and recycling edible food waste from its fleet operations. A specially designed reactor at one of its ports converts edible food waste into compost used to grow vegetables for Hurtigruten.The initiative encompasses a comprehensive approach to waste management, starting with the sorting of edible food waste onboard Hurtigruten's Original Coastal Express ships during their year-round schedule along the coast of Norway, calling at 34 ports from Bergen in the south to Kirkenes in the north.

15 Jan 2024

US SECNAV Directs Naval Shipbuilding Review

File photo: Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro (Photo: Office of the Secretary of the Navy)

The United States' Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro is directing a comprehensive analysis of the Navy shipbuilding portfolio amid ongoing labor issues and supply chain shortages that have negatively impacted vessel delivery timelines.Del Toro tasked newly-confirmed Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development & Acquisition (ASN RD&A) Nickolas Guertin and Commander Naval Sea Systems Command Vice Adm. James Downey to conduct the analysis, with an interim progress…

04 Dec 2023

Shipping CEOs Call for End to Fossil-Only Newbuilds

Source: CMA CGM

The CEOs of leading global shipping lines issued a joint declaration at COP 28 calling for an end date for fossil-only powered newbuilds and urging the IMO to create the regulatory conditions to accelerate the transition to green fuels.The only realistic way of meeting the IMO’s 2030, 2040 and net-zero 2050 goals is to transition from fossil to green fuels at scale and at pace, they say.Their joint declaration calls for:• An end date for new building of fossil fuel-only vessels and a clear GHG Intensity Standard timeline to inspire investment confidence…

27 Feb 2023

Belships Acquires Three New Bulk Carries

Norway-based Belships announced it has entered into agreements for the acquisition of three new Ultramax bulk carriers. The 64,000 dwt vessels are currently being constructed at Japanese shipyards and are scheduled for delivery in Q4 2024,  Q4 2025 and Q1 2026.The vessels are fully financed through time charter lease agreements, each for a period of 7 up to 10 years, with purchase options at current market levels during the charter. There is no obligation to purchase the vessels. Belships is not required to make any down payment for this transaction. Cash breakeven for the vessels upon delivery will be about $14,000 per day. The agreements are conditional upon certain steps to be completed by the parties involved.“We are able to increase our fleet without investing any cash…

27 Feb 2023

What is 'Hybrid-ready'?

A number of CTVs being constructed in the U.S., including those being built by Blount Boats for American Offshore Services, have been described as “hybrid-ready”. (Image: American Offshore Services)

There are vessels on order today—including crew transfer vessels (CTV) being built in the U.S. (American Offshore Services at Blount Boats and for WINDEA CTV at St. Johns Ship Building and Gulf Craft, for example)—that are described as “hybrid-ready”. Of course, a vessel is either hybrid or it isn’t. So what does hybrid-ready mean?When asked about the hybrid-ready CTVs that Blount Boats is building, the shipyard’s president Marcia Blount told Marine News that the vessels’ Volvo Penta IPS propulsion system “is readily upgradeable to hybrid at any time in the future.

31 Aug 2022

Kongsberg's Thrusters, Technology Suite for Olympic CSOV Duo

Credit: Saltwater Stone

Norway's Kongsberg Maritime has signed a contract with Norwegian vessel operator Olympic to outfit two new Construction Service Operation Vessels with a technology suite. The contract is worth around NOK 64 million (around $6,4 million).Two KONGSBERG US 205 PM L FP L-drive azimuth thrusters will be situated fore and aft in the TWIN X-STERN double-ended hybrid-powered vessels."The KONGSBERG US thruster family has set the industry standards for decades being one of the company’s all-time best-selling propulsion products.

16 Oct 2023

Hydrogen as Fuel: Possibilities, But…

Sea Change (Photo: All American Marine)

Hydrogen is everywhere. You know that from high school chemistry. And you also know it from Marine News’ almost daily updates about H powered vessel projects around the world.As a fuel that could potentially replace fossil fuels, H is in the spotlight. Perhaps the brightest spotlight, at least in the U.S., is within the Department of Energy’s “Energy Earthshots” initiative.R&D on H was the first such Earthshot announced last year. DOE wants the “Hydrogen Shot” program to “accelerate…

28 Jun 2022

Belships Acquires Two Bulk Carriers

Belships said Tuesday it has entered into agreements to acquire two secondhand Ultramax bulk carriers.The two ships, which were built at Japanese shipyards in 2015 and 2017, are currently financed through time charter lease agreements with purchase options "significantly below current market levels", according to Belships.The Oslo-based shipowner said it will pay a total of $15.5 million as downpayment upon delivery of the vessels, which is expected within July 2022. The company said it intends to declare purchase options for both bulkers during the next few months and refinancing to cover the purchase option amounts.Lars Christian Skarsgård…

21 Jun 2022

Wilhelmsen to Acquire Stromme

(Photo: Wilhelmsen)

Wilhelmsen announced it has entered into an agreement with Seven Seas to acquire 100% of its shares in cargo hold cleaning subsidiary Stromme.Wilhelmsen will acquire the company in Norway from parent Seven Seas including operations in Germany and Singapore, as Stromme will transfer all of its people, business and assets into Wilhelmsen Ships Service. Stromme will retain its brand and operate as a fully owned subsidiary of Ships Service. Completion of the transaction is subject…

23 Feb 2022

Running on Hydrogen – Can it Work?

© magann / Adobe Stock

Hydrogen as fuel was in the spotlight during the last two weeks. The Senate's Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on February 10 looking at H challenges in the transportation, utility, industrial, commercial, and residential sectors.A week later, the US House Committee on Science, Space, & Technology held a hearing titled "H2Success: Research and Development to Advance a Clean Hydrogen Future."Also, of note, the US Department of Energy published two hydrogen RFIs - "requests for information." One on "Clean Hydrogen Manufacturing…

14 Jan 2022

Nergård Havfiske Orders $57M Stern Trawler from VARD

Credit: VARD

Shipbuilder VARD said Friday it had secured a new contract to design and build one stern trawler for Nergård Havfiske, the fishing arm of the Nergård group in Norway. The contract value is in excess of NOK 500 million (~$57,35 million)."The VARD 8 02 trawler design is a well-proven design that VARD has continuously developed to meet the latest demands for fish health management, efficiency, and environmentally friendly operations. With a high focus on quality of catch, safety of crew…

12 Jan 2022

U.S. Gulf of Mexico Offers Tremendous Advantages for CCUS, But Regulatory Support Required, NOIA Says

Credit: Scott Bufkin/AdobeStock

The U.S. National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) on Wednesday released the policy paper, Carbon Capture, Use, & Storage: An Economic, Employment, & Climate Opportunity for the U.S Offshore Region, where it says that while the U.S. Gulf of Mexico offers "remarkable emissions reduction opportunity here at home," the industry needs certainty and predictability in the regulatory system."Along with key policy recommendations, the document details the vast advantages that the deployment of carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS) in the U.S.

09 Jul 2021

Belships Sells Its Oldest Bulk Carrier

Dry bulk shipping company Belships ASA said it has entered into an agreement to sell of the oldest vessel in its fleetThe 2007-built 55,000 dwt bulk carrier Belfri is expected to be delivered to its new owner at the end of the third quarter of 2021.Belships said it will realize a gain of approximately $4.6 million, and net cash flow upon delivery will be approximately $9 million after repayment of outstanding loans.Belships CEO Lars Christian Skarsgård, said, “Belships will take delivery of seven vessel acquisitions during the next few months to expand our fleet of modern Ultramax bulk carriers. We will continue to take an opportunistic approach to develop our fleet, with the aim of maximizing returns for our shareholders.”

06 Jul 2021

Kongsberg to Equip Seaworks' Innovative New Bulker

(Image: Kongsberg Maritime)

Kongsberg Maritime (KM) said it has been commissioned to deliver an integrated equipment and systems package for an environmentally-responsible new bulk carrier project.The gas-powered ship – which can be fueled using either zero CO2 emission liquefied biogas (LBG) or conventional liquefied natural gas (LNG) – is being built for the Norwegian short sea shipping company Seaworks, utilizing a design which originated with Norwegian naval architect Polarkonsult.The mechanical aspects of KM’s scope of delivery encompass steering and reduction gear…

06 May 2021

Damen Delivers New 'Mega-barge' to Combi Lift

Shipbuilding group Damen said it has delivered the 111-meter Damen Stan Pontoon 11226 RD mega-barge Tomsk to heavy lift and project cargo shipping company Combi Lift. The barge will be used in the construction of Gazprom’s Amur Gas Processing Plant near Russia’s eastern border, transporting some of the largest components to the site.This contract follows a 19 vessel order placed with Damen by Combi Lift that was delivered in May 2018. It was comprised of four Multi Cat 2608SD workboats, four Pusher Tugs 2612SD, four Side Floaters 8605SD and seven 89-meter Stan Pontoons 8916SD.

28 Mar 2021

Suez Crisis Adds to Pandemic Supply Worries

(Photo: BlackSky)

A stranded container ship blocking the Suez Canal threatens to make it even more difficult for European and U.S. retailers to keep products in stock during the coronavirus pandemic.The Suez Canal saga that began on Tuesday and could go on for weeks, is just the latest crisis to strike the global supply chain that was upended when coronavirus shutdowns spurred house-bound consumers to upgrade appliances, sofas, televisions and backyards.IKEA, the world’s largest furniture seller…

20 Aug 2020

MarTID 2020: Maritime Training Budgets Continue to Rise

Training budgets for seafarers continue to rise around the world, and seafarers themselves increasingly are paying the price, according to the MarTID 2020 Training Practices Report.Responses (278) to the 2020 MarTID report, the third in the series, rose 60% versus 2019, and again included insights from seafarers (accounting for 53% of the response), vessel operators (24%) and METIs (23%).The survey for MarTID 2020 was concluding just as COVID-19 was starting to spread rapidly…

27 Jul 2020

Kanfer, CGR Partner to Market LNG Bunkering Vessels

Kanfer Shipping AS, the Norway-based shipping company focused on liquefied natural gas (LNG) break-bulk and bunkering ships, said it has entered into an exclusive agreement with CGR Arctic Marine (CGR), the Norwegian LNG technology company that has designed and developed a unique LNG bunkering vessel as well as an innovative gas delivery system that together reduce the overall cost of LNG bunkering infrastructure.Under the licensing and development agreement, Kanfer will exclusively…