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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Ocean News

20 Feb 2018

Chinese Warships Enter East Indian Ocean

Eleven Chinese warships sailed into the East Indian Ocean this month, a Chinese news portal said, amid a constitutional crisis in the tiny tropical island chain of the Maldives now under a state of emergency. A fleet of destroyers and at least one frigate, a 30,000-tone amphibious transport dock and three support tankers entered the Indian Ocean, news portal said, without linking the deployment to the crisis in the Maldives or giving a reason. "If you look at warships and other equipment, the gap between the Indian and Chinese navy is not large," said on Sunday. It did not say when the fleet was deployed or for how long.

22 Jan 2014

China to Base Patrol Ship in Disputed S. China Sea Islands

Sansha: Photo Wikimedia CCL

The vessel would be based at the small town of Sansha on one of the Paracel Islands and a regular patrol system would be set up from the base gradually, report the 'South China Morning Post', citing the 'China Ocean News'. Sansha was established two years ago to administer areas of the South China Sea that are also claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines. The decision to base the patrol boat in the area was part of an agreement between Sansha and the maritime authorities in Hainan, according to the Chnese nespaper report.

13 Jun 2013

Oceans '13 MTS/IEEE San Diego Preview

Heeding the call to join “An Ocean in Common,” authors flooded the Oceans ‘13 MTS/IEEE San Diego technical program committee with a record number of abstracts in a single day. Special topics include an Ultra-deep track discussing current and prospective robotic technologies, plus a panel of scientists to consider research questions. Oceans2013 Chair Bob Wernli, and Co-Chair Kevin Hardy, developer of the unmanned landers for James Cameron’s DeepSea Challenge Expedition, will be the session conveners. “James’ intention is to be certain the door remains open to other explorers,” Hardy said.

24 Sep 2010

Oceans ‘10 Wrap Up

The Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE/OES), two organizations focused on the marine industry, welcomed more than 1,800 attendees from around the world to the Oceans ‘10 MTS/IEEE Conference & Exhibition, Sept. 20-23, 2010, Seattle, Wash., USA. At the major international forum for scientists, engineers and those with key related interests, participants contributed presentations and learned about the latest research results, ideas, developments and applications in oceanic engineering and marine technology. “We are pleased that attendees realized great success and positive experiences through the Organizing Committee’s dedicated conference planning

26 Sep 2008

ONR Contributions in Ocean Science Highlighted at New Smithsonian Exhibit

By Peter J. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) contributed a video for the Ocean News kiosk at the new Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Sant Ocean Hall exhibit, scheduled to open to the public Sept. 27. The Sant Ocean Hall will feature a variety of high-definition video experiences, one-of-a kind displays, numerous interactive exhibits, and nearly 700 marine specimens and models. The video draws attention to ONR's leadership as a preeminent science and technology organization and demonstrates a vital application of its revolutionary research. The scientific work highlighted in the video takes place in the waters located off Martha's Vineyard and centers on ONR's investigative work through the use of robotic technologies.