USS Kansas City (LCS 22) Commissioned

The U.S. Navy commissioned Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Kansas City (LCS 22) Saturday, June 20.The Navy commissioned Kansas City administratively via naval message due to public health safety and restrictions of large public gatherings related to the coronavirus pandemic and transitioned the ship to normal operations. The Navy is looking at a future opportunity to commemorate the special event with the ship’s sponsor, crew and commissioning committee.“This Independence…
LCS MCM MP Puts Navy Closer to Fleet Implementation
NSWC Panama City hosted a two-week demonstration in July that verified Sailors' ability to conduct maintenance on the Littoral Combat Ship's Mine Countermeasure Mission Package without the assistance of civilian scientists or engineers. The Littoral Combat Ship Mine Countermeasure Mission Package (LCS MCM MP) Sustainment Demonstration (S-Demo) puts the Navy a step closer to transitioning mine countermeasure mission modules to the fleet, offering Joint Force Commanders mine detection and neutralization capability that does not put ships at risk in minefields. The LCS MCM mission package conducts its mine countermeasures operations through the employment of aviation assets and unmanned surface…
Contract: Additional Mission Modules for LCS

Northrop Grumman received a $25.2m contract from the U.S. Navy for additional Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Mission Modules. The company will deliver three mission module packages - two for surface warfare missions and one for mine countermeasures. "Northrop Grumman continues to demonstrate that, as the mission package integrator, we are delivering high quality, fully integrated mission modules," said Doug Shaffer, director of information operations and electronic attack, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.
Littoral Combat Ship Support Facility Opens
The Program Executive Officer, Littoral and Mine Warfare (PEO LMW), Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division (NSWC PHD) and the Littoral Combat Ship Class Squadron (LCS CLASSRON) will unveil the Navy's first Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Mission Package Support Facility (MPSF) during a ceremony at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Oct. 16. The 42,400 square-foot MPSF will service the Navy's projected initial mission packages to be employed by LCS ships. Mission package maintenance and integration within the facility will be conducted by contractors secured by the Littoral Combat Ship Mission Modules Program Office (PMS 420). LCS is a revolutionary new warship, designed for littoral warfare missions in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Surface Warfare (SUW) and Mine Warfare (MIW).