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Monday, July 22, 2024

Ministry Of National Defense News

02 May 2019


Vard Marine (VARD), a naval architecture and marine engineering company, announced that a memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed with Askeri Fabrika ve Tersane İşletme A.Ş. (ASFAT) in Turkey to promote  strategic partnership.As per MoU, Vard Marine provides the design of a wide range of paramilitary vessels and ASFAT coordinates construction of select projects at their approved naval shipyards in Turkey.The MOU provides an opportunity for Vard Marine to expand operations in the region and to collaborate with other companies in both Canada and Turkey.Vard Marine president and CEO Dave McMillan commented: "We are proud to have…

28 Apr 2019

China to Launch Latest Type 055 Destroyer

The Nanchang, China's first Type 055 guided missile destroyer, will soon be put into commission in the People's Liberation Army Navy, a spokesperson said.China plans to have a fleet of 8 Type 055 destroyers, its most powerful naval vessel which was showcased during the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy’s 70th anniversary on Tuesday in Qingdao.Long expected by Chinese military enthusiasts, the Nanchang, China's first Type 055 destroyer, which is painted with the hull number 101, was part of the destroyer group.President Xi Jinping reviewed the major naval parade which further had the direct participation of nearly a dozen regional navies, including Japan, Australia, and the Philippines.

09 Apr 2018

Trump Administration Grants License for Taiwan Submarine Project

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The Trump administration has approved the marketing license required for American manufacturers to sell technology to Taiwan that would allow for building domestic submarines, Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported on Saturday.The news agency said Taiwan Ministry of National Defense Chen Chung-chi confirmed that the U.S. Department of State had agreed to grant the license needed to sell the technology to Taiwan that it would need to build its own submarine.The U.S. State Department…

03 Sep 2015

Taiwan Eyes Budget for New Submarines

Taiwan’s defense ministry seeks financing to expand the country’s submarine fleet, reports Reuters quoting local media reports. The government has allocated $92.55 million over four years, beginning next year, to launch a long-awaited program for the island to build its own diesel-electric submarines. The plan come as other navies in the regional expand their submarine fleets in part to create a strategic deterrent against China's growing naval assertiveness in Asian waters. Taiwan has long sought to expand its aging submarine fleet. Taiwan has four aging submarines, including two that date to World War Two, although its military is otherwise considered generally modern.

26 Aug 2015

Is Taiwan in Market for Submarines?

A day after the President Ma Ying-jeou said that Taiwan needs diesel-electric submarines rather than nuclear-powered ones and has decided to build the type of craft it requires, the country's Ministry of National Defense reiterated that it has still not given up on the idea of buying submarines from the United States. According to local media, Ma said Taiwan does not need nuclear-powered submarines as that type of craft is unsuitable for the country's surrounding waters, but it does need diesel-electric submarines and has decided to build them itself. Cheng Cheng-yi, chairman of Hung Shen Propeller Co said Taiwan has the technology to build its own submarines and should rely mainly on domestic rather than overseas supply.

07 Aug 2015

Philippines, Japan for Intense Maritime Cooperation?

Japan may give planes to the Philippines that Manila could use for patrols in the South China Sea, as part of its increasing involvement in the area. This would deepen Tokyo’s security ties with the Southeast Asian nation most at odds with China over the disputed waterway. While the talks are still in the preliminary phases, Reuters cited four anonymous sources as saying that Tokyo wants to provide three Beechcraft TC-90 King Air planes equipped with surface and air surveillance radar to the Philippines, though Manila reportedly preferred a more advanced aircraft, the Lockheed Martin P3-C, which may have the capability to track China's submarine activity.

24 Jul 2015

Chinese Navy Conducts Drill in South China Sea

The Chinese navy has announced 10 days of military training in the waters near eastern Hainan Island in the South China Sea starting on Wednesday, amid heightened tensions in the region. Playing down the significance of the exercises, the Chinese military said the drills, started yesterday in the east of Hainan Province, are not directed against neighbours. "The drills are regular military exercises scheduled in the annual plan, without targeting any other country," the Ministry of National Defence said. During the training, 'no vessel is allowed to enter the designated maritime areas', according to China's Maritime Safety Administration, which released the drill plan on Monday.

02 Apr 2015

Taiwan Pushes for Local Submarine Program

Taiwan's president, Ma Ying-jeou, reiterated Taiwan's determination to push ahead with its domestic submarine program to modernize its fleet and bolster the country's defense capabilities. "Submarines are the most significant weapon for a country in building naval defense capabilities. The military absolutely needs to acquire (new) submarines," Ma said at a ceremony at which two military vessels — Taiwan's first home-grown stealth missile corvette and a new supply ship — were put into service. Navy officials yesterday said the Ministry of National Defense will go ahead with its domestic submarine program, and several Taiwanese shipbuilders are seeking collaboration with foreign companies to undertake the work.

23 Jan 2015

Taiwan Naval Fleet Adds Home-Grown Vessel

Taiwanese Navy formally took delivery Friday of a new locally designed supply vessel that it said will help enhance Taiwan's maritime combat capabilities. In a ceremony hosted in the harbor in Kaohsiung, the vessel was formally turned over to the Navy from local shipbuilder CSBC Corp. Defense Minister Yen Ming co-hosted the delivery ceremony. Christened as Panshih the locally made fast combat support ship will be used to transport fuel, ammunition and other supplies to support warships. Currently, the Navy only has one supply vessel in service, the Wuyi, says the Ministry of National Defense. The Navy will now begin training a crew to familiarize it with the craft before formally putting the ship into service. The vessel is designed as an AOE, in accordance with the U.S.

29 Oct 2014

General Dynamics to Upgrade Peruvian Navy Helicopters

General Dynamics Canada has been awarded a multi-million dollar contract to upgrade four SH-2G Super Seasprite helicopters with an integrated mission system to enhance the operational capability of the Peruvian Navy and its ability to meet the demands of modern maritime missions. The contract, facilitated by the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC), the Government of Canada's international government-to-government contracting organization, includes the acquisition of five helicopters by Peru. Four are for remanufacture and upgrade by General Dynamics Canada and the fifth one will be overhauled prior to delivery directly to Peru. The contract was awarded as a result of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Peru…

25 May 2012

China, Thailand, Naval Forces to Train

Marine forces of China, Thailand to hold joint training exercises in Chinese waters Marine forces of China and Thailand hold a joint military training in south China's Guangdong province from May 9 to 29, sources with Ministry of National Defense report. The training, code-named Blue Commando-2012, will be conducted in Zhanjiang and Shanwei of the province in line with an agreement reached by the two countries' navies, according to the ministry's information office. The training will be the second of its kind by the two navies' marine forces since 2010, and it will feature anti-terrorism and increase mutual understanding of the two forces.

28 Nov 2000

Daewoo Shipbuilding Files Suit

Financially-troubled Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. has reportedly filed a lawsuit against the Korean Ministry of National Defense after it apparently was not selected for a $1 billion military submarine contract. Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., is the apparent winner for the project, pending legal action. The filing will delay the submarine project, which was to start next month and run until 2009.

28 Nov 2000

Daewoo Shipbuilding Files Suit

Financially-troubled Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. has reportedly filed a lawsuit against the Korean Ministry of National Defense after it apparently was not selected for a $1 billion military submarine contract. Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., is the apparent winner for the project, pending legal action. The filing will delay the submarine project, which was to start next month and run until 2009.

25 Oct 2005

Controversy Surrounds Missle Boat Contract

According to the report, the problem began last week when People First Party (PFP) Legislator Sun Ta-chien accused companies involved in the bidding of leaning on officials in order to secure a $446 million contract to build 29 missile boats for the navy. According to the report, Sun further alleged that former presidential adviser Chen Che-nan and Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Hou Ho-hsiung pressured the ministry and the firm that won the contract to divert some work to a second company. The Taipei Times report said that Chen and Hou deny having done so. In the wake of Sun's claims, calls are mounting in the legislature for a thorough investigation of the bidding on the missile-boat contract to uncover the truth…