Japanese Firms Use Laser Tech for Rust and Coating Removal from Vessels

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), MOL Drybulk, Furukawa Electric, and Tsuneishi Shipbuilding, have tested the InfraLaser system on the outer hull of an actual vessel, successfully stripping down rust and coatings with industrial laser technology.Furukawa Electric, with the cooperation of MOL and MOL Drybulk, has been developing a rust and coating removal system for onboard maintenance since 2021, utilizing the surface treatment solution InfraLaser based on technology cultivated in industrial lasers.Since 2022…
Sallaum Lines to Keep PCTC Fleet’s Hulls In Check with Jotun’s Solutions

Sallaum Lines has boosted the efforts towards optimizing hull performance and the environmental impact for its fleet with the investment in Jotun’s hull performance solution, HPS, including HullKeeper, for its four Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) newbuildings in Nanjing Jinling Shipyard.HPS, in combination with HullKeeper, integrates high performance antifouling coatings with expert technical support during newbuilding and performance analytics based on ISO 19030-2 and intelligent…
PortPic Gathers in Italy to Discuss Hull Cleaning

This week [September 30 to October 2] about 40 companies, stakeholders and NGOs gather in Pontignano, Italy, to discuss and share insights about the developments taking place within hull cleaning and in-port inspections for the shipping industry.PortPic, the sister conference to HullPic which takes place in the spring, is a Jotun and VB Conferences initiative and aims to bring the industry together to discuss challenges and opportunities to ensure a cleaner industry."This is the fifth time that PortPic has been held, and we see the conference as an important meeting place for the industry.