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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gray Water News

19 May 2022

Water Treatment: Inside WETT Technology for Oily and Black Water Treatment on Ships

Dr. Ramona Pristavita, Terragon’s Vice President of Engineering, with WETT-O. Photo courtesy Terragon Environmental Technologies

Attracted by the environmental mission of Terragon Environmental Technologies, Dr. Ramona Pristavita, Terragon’s Vice President of Engineering, discusses the operational advances and advantages that Wastewater Electrochemical Treatment Technology (WETT) offers to shipowners.Handling a variety of shipboard waste water efficiently, effectively, is a central tenant to ship operations.Operating in the harsh saltwater environment, with a broad spectrum of ship movements and vibrations…

20 Dec 2021

Tech File: Hatenboer-Water Develops "Plastic Free @Sea" Concept

Photo courtesy Hatenboer-Water

While much of the maritime world's tech chatter focuses on emissions and fuel choice, Dutch water company Hatenboer-Water developed the Plastic Free @Sea concept as a smart solution to reduce plastic waste on board ships at sea.Reducing plastic waste has become key in environmental protection, including in the shipping industry. Answering the call is Hatenboer-Water with its Plastic Free @Sea concept, designed to help shipowners reduce the tens of thousands of plastic water bottles on board to virtually zero…

10 May 2021

OPINION: Regulating Grey Water ... the Time is Now

© lancesagar/AdobeStock

The IMO’s MARPOL Annex IV is being revised to confirm the lifetime performance of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs). This may finally bring about grey water regulation – a necessity that is long overdue.Black Water and Grey WaterA ship’s sewage (black water) is collected from toilets, urinals and hospitals. The IMO’s MARPOL Annex IV prohibits its discharge, except when treated by an STP or discharged at > 12nm from the nearest land. A ship’s grey water, collected from showers, wash basins…