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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Floating Nuclear News

24 Feb 2025

ABS Sees Nuclear as ‘Generational Opportunity’ for US Shipbuilding

Christopher J. Wiernicki (Credit: ABS)

New nuclear reactor technology represents a once in a generation opportunity for U.S. industrial policy, as vessels propelled by advanced small modular reactors (SMR) could act as a catalyst for the revitalization of the country’s shipbuilding, according the Chairman and CEO of American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Christopher J. Wiernicki.Wiernicki added he believes the next step is development of a marinized SMR demonstrator.“It is a key transformational technology. It changes the commercial model, the economics of shipping, the operation of the vessels and their design.

29 Jan 2025

Glosten Designing Floating Nuclear Power Plant for US Ports Barge-Based Infrastructure

Image courtesy Glosten

CORE POWER (US) Inc. has engaged with Glosten to help its team design a floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) to power U.S. ports. Created by CORE POWER, the FNPP concept is a nearshore infrastructure system that includes a barge-based nuclear power plant, barge support services, electrical grid integration, and operational teams. Easy to transport and rapidly deploy, the FNPP will provide an estimated 175GWh of clean electricity per year. The FNPP connection will allow ports to achieve zero-emissions electrical generation for visiting ships…

18 Jul 2024

ABS and KRISO to Advance SMR-Powered Vessels and Platforms

Source: ABS

ABS and the Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) are working together to advance commercial small modular reactor (SMR)-powered ships and floating SMR power generation platforms.ABS will provide analysis of applicable regulatory guidelines and international standards for the design of SMR-powered ships.KRISO will develop core technologies for SMR-powered ships, including conceptual designs for the vessel and propulsion systems as well as the development of a framework for integrated ship, nuclear power safety analysis.

04 Oct 2023

ABS AIP for Floating Offshore Nuclear Power Barge

L to R: Dr. Young Tae Moon, Senior Director of Sustainable Growth Department, Nuclear PE, KEPCO E&C; Patrick Ryan, ABS Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer; and Dr. Sang Min Park, Research Director of Marine Energy Technology Lab, HD KSOE. Photo courtesy ABS

A design for a floating offshore nuclear power barge from HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE) and KEPCO Engineering and Construction Company, Inc. (KEPCO E&C) received approval in principle (AIP) from ABS.Project collaborators include ABS, HD KSOE, KEPCO E&C and the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR).The floating small modular reactor (SMR) barge is intended to serve as offshore power generation for remote communities and island electrification.

06 Sep 2023

SHI Touts 'Eco-Friendly' Strategies at Gastech '23

Digital twin-based autonomous navigation technology.  Image courtesty SHI

At Gastech 2023, Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) offers a separate 216 sq. m. exhibition hall at the Singapore Expo venue showcasing its technological developments in LNG and LCO2 transport vessels, centered around the FLNG (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Production Facility) models.On the September 7, SHI plans to hold a future eco-friendly technology seminar for key customers to address global climate change. Dubbed "Sustainable Future with Green & Digital," the seminar will feature participation from major customers…

21 Apr 2023

KHNP, Samsung Heavy, Seaborg to Develop Floating Nuclear Power Plants

(From right to left) Jintaek Jeong, CEO of SHI, Jooho Whang, CEO of KHNP, Navid Samandari, CEO of Seaborg have signed consortium agreement - ©Samsung Heavy Industries

South Korea's Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, Samsung Heavy Industries, and Denmark's Seaborg Technologies have created a consortium to develop floating nuclear power plants with Seaborg Technologies' innovative molten salt reactor technology.The power plants will be installed on barges with a modular design able to deliver from 200MWe to 800MWe, with the consortium's first project expected to be a 200MWe power barge."The consortium aims to enable timely commercialization and a scalable export of factory-produced CMSR-based floating nuclear power plants worldwide…

17 Aug 2022

ABS, DOE to examine Nuclear Energy for Commerical Maritime

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded ABS a contract to research barriers to the adoption of advanced nuclear propulsion on commercial vessels.The $800,000 research project – awarded by the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy last year and formally contracted through its U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development funding opportunity – will address challenges to adopting new reactor technology in commercial maritime applications. ABS will develop models of different advanced reactor technologies for maritime applications and develop an industry advisory on the commercial use of modern nuclear power.Support will be provided by the Department of Energy’s National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC), based at Idaho National Laboratory.

26 Apr 2022

Marine Design: Ulstein Takes Aim at Zero Emission Cruise Ops with Ulstein Thor

ULSTEIN THOR and ULSTEIN SIF with an autonomous surface vehicle underway. Image courtesy Ulstein

Ulstein today unveiled a vessel concept that it claims is capable of making the vision of zero emission cruise operations a reality. Dubbed Ulstein Thor, the 149m 3R (Replenishment, Research and Rescue) design will feature a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) to generate vast amounts of clean, safe electricity. This enables the vessel to operate as a mobile power/charging station for a new breed of battery driven cruise ships.Ulstein believes Thor may be the missing piece of the zero emissions puzzle for a broad range of maritime and ocean industry applications.

08 Apr 2022

Samsung Heavy Industries, Seaborg Partner to Develop Floating Nuclear Power Plant

Jintaek Jung, CEO of SHI is taking a commemorative photo after signing an agreement with Seaborg to jointly develop Floating Nuclear Power Plant.Photo courtesy SHI

As the world increasingly searches for a means to reduced carbon footprint, compact floating nuclear power plants are emerging as a serios contender. To this end, Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and Seaborg signed a partnership agreement to develop floating nuclear power plants based on Seaborg's Compact Molten Salt Reactor (CMSR). The agreement includes development of hydrogen production plants and ammonia plants, able to manufactured in serial production for deployment globally."CMSR…