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Exxonmobil Development Company News

12 Jun 2018

Exxon Starts Drilling at Offshore Guyana Projects

(Photo: ExxonMobil)

Exxon Mobil Corp said it has commenced development drilling in the first of three offshore Guyana projects, which could produce more than 500,000 barrels of oil per day. Development drilling began in May for the first of 17 wells planned for Liza Phase 1, the company said.So far, Exxon Mobil and its co-venturers have discovered more than 3.2 billion oil-equivalent barrels estimated recoverable resources on the 6.6 million acre Stabroek Block.Liam Mallon, president of ExxonMobil Development Company…

28 Nov 2017

ExxonMobil's Canada Offshore Project Produces First Oil

Photo: ExxonMobil Canada

The Hebron oil project off the coast of eastern Canada has produced its first oil, operator Exxon Mobil said on Tuesday, in a boost to Atlantic Canada's output after years of weak crude prices. At its peak Hebron will produce up to 150,000 barrels per day (bpd), Exxon said. It will help Atlantic Canada offshore production climb 44 percent to 307,000 bpd by 2024, according to estimates from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. The platform is located 200 miles (350 kilometres) off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador in depths of 300 feet (92 metres) and the oil field…

24 Apr 2016

ExxonMobil Starts Production at Point Thomson

ExxonMobil said today it has started production at its Point Thomson project, the first company-operated project on Alaska’s North Slope. Central pad facilities are designed to initially produce about 5,000 barrels per day of condensate and 100 million standard cubic feet per day of recycled gas. The recycled gas is re-injected for future recovery. At full rate production, the facility is designed to produce up to 10,000 barrels per day of natural gas condensate and 200 million cubic feet of recycled gas. It is anticipated to reach that level when the west pad well is online in a few months. The Point Thomson reservoir holds an estimated 8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and associated condensate – a high-quality hydrocarbon similar to kerosene or diesel.

23 Jun 2015

Webb Awards Crowley, Jr. Honorary Degree

L to R - President R. Keith Michel, Thomas B. Crowley, Jr., Dr. George Campbell, Jr. (Photo: Webb Institute)

Webb Institute presented Thomas B. Crowley, Jr., CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors at Crowley Maritime (Oakland, CA), with an Honorary Doctorate of Commercial Science degree at Webb Institute’s 119th commencement on Saturday, June 20th. Since 1994, Thomas B. Crowley, Jr. has served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Crowley Maritime, succeeding his father and grandfather in these roles, dating back to the company’s founding in 1892. Today…

02 May 2015

ExxonMobil Begins Production at Kizomba

Exxon Mobil Corporation announced today that its subsidiary, Esso Exploration Angola (Block 15) Limited (Esso Angola), has started oil production ahead of schedule at the Kizomba Satellites Phase 2 project offshore Angola. Kizomba Satellites Phase 2 is a Block 15 subsea infrastructure development of the Kakocha, Bavuca and Mondo South fields. Mondo South is the first field to begin production, and the other two satellite fields are expected to start up in the coming months. The project develops approximately 190 million barrels of oil with peak production currently estimated at 70,000 barrels of oil per day. The project is expected to increase total daily Block 15 production to 350,000 barrels. Esso Angola is operator of the project and Block 15.

25 May 2014

Rosneft, BP To Explore For Shale Oil In Russia

Rosneft and BP signed an agreement on Saturday to jointly explore for hard-to-recover oil in Russia, the first major deal for the state-run Russian oil company since the West imposed sanctions over Ukraine in March. Rosneft chief executive Igor Sechin, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, has been targeted by U.S. sanctions along with some other members of Putin's so-called inner circle following Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in March. Western energy bosses saved the St Petersburg International Economic forum from a complete failure by effectively standing by Russia as heads of top banks and many other firms did not show up for fear of reprisals over the sanctions.

24 Apr 2014

ExxonMobil Donates $13.4 Million to 'United Way of Greater Houston'

ExxonMobil employees and retirees raised a record $13.41 million for the United Way of Greater Houston during its 2013 community campaign, which was the largest amount raised by the company since its annual campaigns began in 1952. “We are so grateful for our dear friends at ExxonMobil for their extraordinary generosity and support of the United Way of Greater Houston and our community,” said Anna M. Babin, president and CEO of United Way of Greater Houston. The contributions support the work of the United Way Greater Houston, which includes helping families gain financial stability, making sure students achieve academic success and giving seniors the support they need to remain independent.

10 Mar 2011

OTC 2011 Distinguished Achievement Awards

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) will present its 2011 Distinguished Achievement Awards on May 1 to Cortis (Cort) Cooper for his pioneering work in metocean research, and to BP Norway for the Life of Field seismic reservoir surveillance project. ExxonMobil Development Company will receive a special citation for its deepwater project implementation in Angola. The awards will be presented at the Annual OTC Dinner, a new signature event on Sunday evening that will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. The dinner will kick off the world’s largest conference for offshore development, which will be held 2-5 May at Reliant Park in Houston.

10 Dec 2001

ExxonMobil Announces First Oil Production in Angola

Exxon Mobil Corporation announced today its first oil production in Angola with the start-up of the Girassol development in the deepwater offshore area known as Block 17. of Luanda in water depths of 4,500 feet (1,350 meters). The development consists of subsea wells tied back to a Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel. processing 200,000 barrels of oil per day and has a two million barrel storage capacity. subsea wells are planned, and drilling is expected to continue until 2003. development. It is an important milestone with a promising future for ExxonMobil in Angola. development offshore West Africa. 250,000 barrels per day. First oil from Kizomba A is scheduled for late 2004. world. acres.

02 May 2002

ExxonMobil Begins Construction of Project Offshore

Exxon Mobil Corporation has announced that its subsidiary, Mobil Equatorial Guinea, Inc. (MEGI), has awarded contracts and started construction to expand current production of the Zafiro field, offshore Equatorial Guinea. First production from the new $900 million project is scheduled for September 2003. (425-850 meters). utilize an early production system and recover about 150 million barrels of oil. development consists of subsea wells tied back to a Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel. capacity. expected to continue until 2004. southern area of the Zafiro field. Production from this field will significantly enhance the strong performance of the Zafiro area and add to the overall production in country. Production from the Zafiro field began in August 1996.

25 Jul 2003

Keppel to Deliver Maersk Rig Early

Keppel Offshore & Marine Limited (Keppel O&M) will deliver a new generation semi-submersible rig to Maersk Contractors two weeks ahead of schedule in mid August 2003. The rig was named LIDER in a ceremony that was attended by more that 1,000 guests at Caspian Shipyard Company (CSC) in Baku, Azerbaijan. Mr Tage Bundgaard, President of Maersk Contractors, said, "We are proud of this new highly advanced rig. We fully expect LIDER to prove its state-of-the-art capabilities during the upcoming contract with Exxon Azerbaijan and other operators in the Caspain region. LIDER will be contracted to Exxon Azerbaijan Operating Company LLC and Chevron Overseas Petroleum Azerbaijan Limited for a three-year drilling program.