Marine Link
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Data News

19 Feb 2025

Veson Nautical Opens Dubai Office

Copyright creativefamily/AdobeStock

Veson Nautical (Veson) opened a new office in Dubai as part of an enhanced commitment to one of the worldā€™s most important shipping hubs.This expansion is aimed at bringing Veson closer to its growing regional client base and reinforcing its role in shaping the future of maritime technology and data solutions in the region.Veson CEO John Veson traveled to Dubai to open the new office, and the occasion was marked by the company staging the inaugural ā€˜Veson Nautical Dubai Forum & Networking Event.ā€™ Held at the Sofitel JBR hotelā€¦

08 Jan 2025

SEA-CARE Team to Tackle Maritime Safety Challenges Via Improved Data Sharing

(Credit: Inmarsat Maritime)

Inmarsat Maritime, a Viasat company, supported by Maritime London, have established SEA-CARE as a new industry working group whose goal is to scrutinize maritime safety and how pooling information can improve it.The new working group, comprised of stakeholders from industry, regulators, and the UK government, establishes Maritime London as an impartial broker to ensure that the right organizations are represented in SEA-CARE discussions between Inmarsat and industry stakeholders.Jos Standerwickā€¦

05 Dec 2024

How Digital Tech Aims to Make Commercial Vessels Safer, Cleaner, More Efficient

Image: Bureau Veritas

The maritime industry is witnessing a technological revolution that is fundamentally changing how ships operate, improving safe and efficient performance and reducing emissions, all to meet increasingly restrictive environmental standards. Adopting cutting-edge digital technologies enables ship owners and operators to optimize fleets, boost safe and efficient performance and reduce emissions while satisfying ever-developing environmentally beneficial requirements. Digitalization lies here and on the horizon of commercial vessel operationsā€¦

28 May 2024

Metis Revamps Its Maritime Analytics Platform

Ā© Kalyakan / Adobe Stock

Maritime data analytics company Metis has unveiled a revised version of its analytics platform, aimed to help clients better manage their ship and fleet performance.Fresh developments cover additional fleet- and vessel-level summary dashboards, as well as key performance indicators (KPIs) that provide improved overviews in specific domains of focus, including ship emissions, vessel performance, optimized operations and machinery condition.Useful for benchmarking within the fleet and between sister shipsā€¦

27 Nov 2023

Study Calls for 'Liberation of Data' in Shipping Shift for Decarbonization

Interconnection of disparate shipboard systems is seen as necessary to drive digitalization for enhanced operational efficiency. Image: BV

Siloed data systems represent a ā€œrecipe for duplicative and multiplicative cost inside a company and across companiesā€, an OrbitMI-hosted panel at the recent Shipping Insight event in the US was told, as a Bureau Veritas-backed study highlighted this as a big barrier to data collaboration for digitalization of shipping to cut emissions.Vast amounts of data are generated from ship operations - such as from sensors onboard or vessel performance management systems - as well as fromā€¦

01 Jun 2023

Data-Driven Voyage Optimization: The Demise of the Data Silo

METIS Cyberspace Technology analyzes the changing operating environment.
Source: METIS

Weā€™ve had the means for a while, now we have the incentive to crush the data siloes that are holding back voyage optimization.Like kids in the sandpit, owners and charterers are being forced to share, perhaps more than they really want to. The IMO and the EU, for starters, are setting data-driven decarbonization rules, and those in the sandpit are having to respond.Ship managers and data analysis specialists are developing technical solutions to boost transparency with the aim of facilitating shared responsibility on CO2 emissions, but itā€™s no easy task.

17 Nov 2021

Chinese Data Law Adds to Global Shipping Disruption

Ā© Kalyakan / Adobe Stock

Ships in Chinese waters are disappearing from tracking systems following the introduction of a new data law in China, frustrating efforts to ease bottlenecks that are snarling the global economy, according to three shipping sources directly impacted.China's Personal Information Protection Law, which came into effect on Nov. 1, has added to a raft of new rules designed to increase government control over how domestic and foreign organizations collect and export China's data.Althoughā€¦