Marine Power R&D Insights: Matt Hart, Wabtec Corporation

Matt Hart, Manager & Platform Leader, Marine & Stationary Power Systems, Wabtec, offers insights on how the megatrends of decarbonization, energy transition and autonomy all inspire and impact the marine power solutions from Wabtec.Matt, to start us off, can you provide insight on the journey to your present position?I graduated from the University of Notre Dame with an undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering and started with General Electric in the Edison Engineering Development rotational program at the Erie…
VIDEO: Patrick Ryan Named CTO at ABS

As Patrick Ryan assumes the top tech exec spot at ABS, Maritime Reporter TV interviewed him on the eve of the announcement. While shipowners face multiple technology challenges ahead, Ryan said a top priority is the bridging of technology from the fundamental phase into operational solutions. ABS appointed Patrick Ryan as Chief Technology Officer to support continued development of ABS as a maritime technology leader.Having served as Senior Vice President, Global Engineering and Technology since 2019…
Edward Heerema – Dutch Courage with Single-minded Focus

Edward Heerema is founder and president of Allseas, which brought the world’s largest construction vessel, Pioneering Spirit, to the market. The company, which also brought innovation to the pipelay sector, has added its latest trick to Pioneering Spirit – its jacket lift system. But Allseas is also targeting deepsea mining and has its sights on the offshore wind market. Elaine Maslin caught up with Edward Heerema to find out more.The first time I met Edward Heerema was at the company’s offices in Delft, in the Netherlands.