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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Crude News

23 Aug 2021

China’s 2021 Crude Oil Imports Down 5.7% - BIMCO

© Kalyakan/AdobeStock

Chinese crude oil imports fell year-on-year in June and July, ending a streak of five months of accumulated year-on-year growth. After the first seven months of 2021, China’s crude oil imports are down 5.7% compared with the same period last year. January to July imports stood at 301.9m tons, an 18.1m tons decline from January to July 2020.The June and July decline in crude oil imports is not attributable to unusually low imports as much as to unusually high imports in June and…

14 Apr 2020

Enterprise Offers Crude Shipments From Gulf Coast to Cushing

© Jim / Adobe Stock

Enterprise Products Partners LP said it would offer spot shipments of crude on an existing pipeline from the U.S. Gulf coast to Cushing, Oklahoma, the delivery point for benchmark U.S. crude futures, as demand to store oil inland surges.The move marks a sharp reversal from recent pipeline projects that were all built connecting inland markets to the Gulf Coast as U.S. crude exports climbed to record highs after Washington lifted a ban in late 2015.However, the coronavirus pandemic has crushed global oil demand and dented U.S.

28 Jan 2020

Surgutneftegaz Awards 380,000 T of February Urals

© Vladimir / Adobe Stock

Russia's Surgutneftegaz awarded 380,000 tonnes of Urals crude oil loading from the Black Sea port of Novorossiisk and the Baltic's Ust-Luga in February, traders said.A cargo of 100,000 tonnes loading from Ust-Luga over Feb. 19-20 was sold at dated Brent minus $1.80 a barrel when adding freight to an original FOB differential, traders said. French oil major Total was the buyer, they said.Surgutneftegaz also awarded two Urals cargoes of 140,000 tonnes each for loading from Novorossiisk Feb. 15-16 and Feb. 17-18.

27 Jan 2020

Libya's NOC Warning Over Impact of Oil Blockade

The head of Libya's state oil firm warned on Monday that if the international community tolerates a blockade on the country's oil industry it would be complicit in ending the rule of law in the country.The 10-day old blockade is the most extensive for years, shutting down fields and ports in the east and south of Libya and causing production to plunge to 262,000 barrels per day (bpd) from around 1.2 million.Production has gradually been falling since the blockade began as storage capacity in Libya's ports fills up, forcing Libya's National Oil Corp (NOC) to shut in production upstream.NOC Chairman Mustafa Sanalla said that at the Ras Lanuf port only 30% of storage capacity was operational…

20 Jan 2020

Guyana's First-Ever Oil Cargo Sets Sail for the U.S

Photo courtesy of Hess

A vessel carrying about 1 million barrels crude oil from Guyana set sail on Monday for the United States, according to vessel tracking service, ushering the tiny South American nation into ranks of the world's oil exporters.The first cargo of Liza crude departed from the floating platform Liza Destiny off Guyana, operated by U.S. companies Exxon Mobil, Hess Corp, and China's CNOOC . (Reporting by Marianna Parraga; editing by Diane Craft)

05 Dec 2019

CME Adds Two Delivery Points to WTI Houston

Photo: CME Group

CME Group on Thursday said it would add two more delivery points for its WTI Houston crude futures contract, pending regulatory review, as it seeks to provide customers with additional options to hedge physical price risk.* Beginning with the March 2020 contract, customers can take delivery of U.S.

17 Sep 2019

China's Unipec Ramps Up U.S. Crude Shipments

Unipec, the trading arm of Asia's top refiner Sinopec, chartered at least four crude tankers this week from the United States, ramping up purchases after attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities and as trade tensions between the world's two largest economies cool, sources said.Three Aframax vessels that can carry about 750,000 barrels, and one supertanker that can carry about 2 million barrels of crude, have been fixed by Unipec tentatively, according to a shipping source and Refinitiv Eikon data.The attack on Saudi oil facilities Saturday knocked out half of Saudi Arabia's oil production, or 5% of global output, sending prices soaring when trading resumed on Monday. (Reporting by Devika Krishna Kumar in New York Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)

01 Sep 2019

Chemical Tanker Market to Recover

The recovery of the chemical tanker market continued into the second quarter as main drivers were strong US exports and healthy volume development throughout the quarter on main trades, said Odfjell SE.The Clean Petroleum Products (CPP) market weakened which led to a net increase of 20 coated MR's trading chemical/veg-oils during the quarter, hereby increasing supply pressure for chemical tankers towards the end of the quarter, said the company specializing in worldwide seaborne transportation and storage of chemicals and other specialty bulk liquids.The global chemical tanker order book stands at 6.6% of the current fleet. The global deep-sea fleet based on vessels larger than 18,000 dwt grew by net 6 vessels in 2Q19 as 8 vessels were delivered, and 2 vessels were scrapped.

27 Aug 2019

BIMCO: US Crude Exports Soar in June 2019

Chart: BIMCO

The highest US crude oil exports to China in 11 months lifted total seaborne US crude oil exports to a record high at 11.9 million (m) tonnes in June 2019. Also contributing to the June record was South Korea, as exports to the other main Far Eastern buyer reached an all-time high volume of 2.3m tonnes.1.2m tonnes were shipped to China between June 1, and  June 30, , up from 1m tonnes in May and worlds apart from no exports at all in the months of August through October in 2018…