Marine Link
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Classnk News

13 Mar 2025

New Report Set to Tackle Critical Issue for EV Transportation via PCTC Vessels

Ā© Kalyakan / Adobe Stock

The Maritime Technologies Forum (MTF) has published a comprehensive report, aimed at addressing the critical issue of transporting electric vehicles (EVs) on Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) vessels.The report, titled Safe Carriage of Electric Vehicles, offers detailed insights into the characteristics of EV fires and provides a framework for considerations necessary to supplement the safe carriage of EVs.The report further highlights the necessity of measures such as early detectionā€¦

27 Feb 2025

Ammonia-Fueled Bunkering Vessel gets ClassNK AIP

Ammonia-fuelled bunkering vessel Image Courtesy ClassNK

ClassNK issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) for an ammonia-fuelled bunkering vessel, a vessel is jointly developed by Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) and LMG Marin AS (a member of the Seatrium Group).As ammonia as fuel is expected to be used in shipping to help shipowners meet tough new emission reduction targets, bunkering vessels that supply fuel to ships and related equipment will play an essential role in the supply chain. This vessel is being developed jointly by NYK Lineā€¦

27 Feb 2025

"K" Line Secures ā€˜Zero-Emission Accelerating Ship Financeā€™

Image Courtesy  "K" LINE

Increasingly, maritime finance is tied to the environmental impact of the asset or project.Under Zero-Emission Accelerating Ship Finance (the Program), which is jointly operated by the Development Bank of Japan Inc. (DBJ) and ClassNK, ClassNK evaluated the LNG-fueled car carrier OCEANUS HIGHWAY (IMO No. 1046049), owned by Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" LINE). DBJ provided financing to "K" LINE.ClassNK evaluates ships based on a comprehensive scoring model jointly developed with DBJ from the perspective of ā€˜decarbonizationā€¦

24 Feb 2025

Ammonia Fueled Ammonia Bunkering Vessel Design Granted AiP

Souurce: NYK

ClassNK has issued an Approval-in-Principle (AiP) certificate for an ammonia fueled ammonia bunkering vessel designed by NYK and its partners.Seatrium, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, LMG Marin provided engineering expertise for the vesselā€™s design, which will now be submitted to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for evaluation.Safety philosophies on the safe use of ammonia, for example in the engine room, were developed to ensure compliance with the IMOā€™s interim guidelines for the safety of ships using ammonia as fuelā€¦

20 Feb 2025

ClassNK, OceanScore Partner on Data-Driven Regulatory Compliance

(L-R) ClassNK representatives together with OceanScoreā€™s Managing Director Albrecht Grell and Head of Commercial APAC Leo Grayson. Photo: OceanScore

A collaboration agreement has been signed between classification society ClassNK and maritime data and technology firm OceanScore to link the latterā€™s integrated solution for ClassNK ZETA (Zero Emissions Transition Accelerator) that enables users and related stakeholders to access visualized MRV/DCS data.Shipping companies using the ClassNK ZETA service will gain seamless access to OceanScoreā€™s market-leading Compliance Manager under the agreement, which was inked on 20 January at ClassNKā€™s head office in Tokyoā€¦

06 Feb 2025

Lloydā€™s Register Greenlights CUBE Batteries for Maritime Applications

Lehmann Marine's CUBE Battery System (Credit: Lehmann Marine)

Germany-based Lehmann Marine, a developer of maritime lithium ferrophosphate (LFP) battery systems, has secured a type approval from Lloyd's Register for its CUBE compact energy storage solution, paving the way for its broader adoption across the maritime industryThe certification marks the fourth major classification society to approve the CUBE battery system, following Bureau Veritas, DNV, and RINA. The Lloydā€™s Register type approval further underlines Lehmann Marineā€˜s flexible battery modulesā€˜ reliability, paving the way for increased adoption in the maritime industry.

05 Feb 2025

ClassNK Issues AiP for Low-Pressure Type Coastal LCO2 Carrier

Illustration (Credit: Mitsubishi Shipbuilding)

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group, and Nippon Gas Line (NGL) have secured an Approval in Principle (AiP) from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for a low-pressure type liquefied CO2 (LCO2) carrier to serve in coastal transportation.Demand for LCO2 carriers is expected to grow in tandem with CCS (carbon dioxide capture and storage) projects involving marine transport of CO2 captured in Japan to storage sites.Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and NGL receivedā€¦

05 Feb 2025

AiP Granted for Low-Pressure Coastal Liquefied CO2 Carrier

Ā© Peter Hermes Furian / Adobe Stock

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Nippon Gas Line have jointly acquired Approval in Principle (AiP) from ClassNK for a low-pressure liquefied CO2 (LCO2) carrier to serve in coastal transportation.Demand for LCO2 carriers is expected to grow in tandem with carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) projects involving marine transport of CO2 captured in Japan to storage sites.The concept is based on the potential transport of CO2 from small-scale CO2 capture sites mainly in Japanā€™s Setoā€¦

04 Feb 2025

WinGD Debuts On-Engine SCR

Source: WinGD

WinGD will be deploying its on-engine NOx reduction solution ed for the first time on commercial engines after securing type approval.The integrated Selective Catalytic Reduction (iSCR) solution was tested at Mitsui E&S DU (MESDU) Coā€™s factory in Aioi, Japan, where three WinGD 5X52-S2.0 engines are being built for bulk carriers under construction at a Japanese shipyard.The type approval follows more than two years of service experience with a prototype version. The latest iteration features reduced material and production costsā€¦

02 Jan 2025

Lila Global Appoints Strategy and Innovation Leader

Dr. Abdul Rahim courtesy of Lila Global

Dry cargo shipping and logistics company Lila Global has appointed Dr. Abdul Rahim as its Chief Maritime Strategy and Innovation Officer.Rahim will work closely with Lila Global's leadership to drive transformative strategies and foster innovation in the maritime industry. He will be based in Dubai.Rahim brings more than three decades of experience to this position, including a proven track record of leadership and innovation. Prior to joining Lila Global, he served as a Corporate Officer and Managing Director for Europe and Africa at ClassNKā€¦

19 Dec 2024

Spotlight on Ro-Ro Safety

Galaxy Leader (Photo: Screenshot from video shared by Yemeni Armed Forces)

This week at Maritime Reporter...The importance of safety on ro-ro vessels comes under the spotlight.The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch released its report into the engine room fire on board the ro-ro Stena Europe and concluded that the shipā€™s crew were insufficiently trained to inspect engine fuel systems and the temperature measuring equipment used by the crew to monitor the engine exhaust insulation did not effectively identify any hot spots.The Maritime and Coastguardā€¦

17 Dec 2024

ClassNK Releases Guidance on Evacuation of Vehicle Carriers

Source: ClassNK

ClassNK has released guidance to assist in the safe evacuation of crew members from vehicle carriers in the event of a cargo hold fire. Additionally, the worldā€™s first notation, AMEVC(EV), has been established to indicate vessels equipped with additional measures to facilitate safe evacuation.Vehicle carriers often have accommodation areas and life-saving equipment, such as lifeboats and liferafts, positioned above cargo holds, with ventilation ducts for the holds located close to the accommodation spaces.

17 Dec 2024

Penta-Ocean Orders Its First CLV to Expand Offshore Wind Service Offering

(Credit: Penta-Ocean Construction)

Japan-based Penta-Ocean Construction has signed a shipbuilding contract with PaxOcean Group for the construction of a self-propelled large-scale cable laying vessel (CLV), expanding its capabilities from offshore wind turbine construction to power cable laying for the industry.The new CLV will be self-propelled, mounted with two 5,000 t cable carousels (a total of 10,000 t) also known as cable storage, enabling safe and efficient cable laying in the open sea with severe metocean conditions.Equipped with a latest trencher (for burying cables) and work class ROVā€¦

03 Dec 2024

NYK Granted AiP for Long-Distance Cable-Laying Vessel Design

Source: NYK

NYK has obtained Approval in Principle (AiP) from ClassNK for the design concept of a cable-laying vessel for the construction of a long-distance subsea DC transmission network in Japan.Since suitable locations for wind-power generation, such as Hokkaido, are far from areas of major electricity demand, developing a power transmission network is crucial to increasing the amount of renewable electricity generated in Japan in the future.As part of a four-company consortium with Sumitomo Electric Industries, Furukawa Electric and Mitsui O.S.K.

12 Nov 2024

ClassNK to Certify Individual Green Steel Products

Source: ClassNK

ClassNK has launched a third-party product certification service for individual green steel products.Under the service, ClassNK certifies each green steel product supplied by steel manufacturers using the mass balance approach, and affixes a certification logo to its mill certificate. By improving reliability and making identification easier, the service ensures that users feel more secure when ordering and using green steel.ClassNK has supported decarbonization efforts relatedā€¦

07 Nov 2024

Are Fresh Vegetables a Key to Seafarer Happiness?

A Hydroponic Vegetable Grower for Ship Image courtesy: Tokei Kaiun

ClassNK awards the first-ever notation for installing a Hydroponic Vegetable Grower for Ship to improve seafarersā€™ living conditions to Tokei Kaiunā€™s bulk carrier Royal Laurel.ClassNK granted its ā€˜ELW (HP)ā€™ (Excellent Living and Working Environment (Hydroponics)) notation to the ship, and the system is expected to help improve working conditions that exceed the regulations set by the Maritime Labor Convention (MLC, 2006). ClassNK has established a scheme to indicate on a classā€¦

30 Oct 2024

ClassNK Greenlights SHIā€™s Autonomous Navigation Assistance System

(Credit: ClassNK)

ClassNK has issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) for Autonomous Navigation Assistance System ā€˜SASā€™ developed by Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI).Samsung Autonomous Navigation Assistance System (SAS) is partially Autonomous Navigation System (ANS) including the functions of situational awareness through sensor fusion and electronic navigational chart information, collision and grounding risk assessment, collision and grounding avoidance.ClassNK is involved in various demonstration projects and continuously works to develop necessary safety standardsā€¦

29 Oct 2024

Which Shipowners are Choosing Ammonia?

Source: NYK

The shipping industry is looking into ammonia as an alternative fuel for powering ships, amid other ongoing plans to cut carbon emissions and achieve net-zero by 2050.Here is a list of companies with ammonia-fuelled ship projects:NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (NYK)NYK, with IHI Power Systems and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK), completed the world's first ammonia-fuelled tugboat, Sakigake, on Aug. 23. The vessel will operate in Tokyo Bay for three months.NYK is also building the world's first ammonia-fuelled medium gas carrierā€¦

17 Oct 2024

Advanced Notation Awarded For Green Steel Use

Source: JFE

ClassNK has granted the class notation ā€˜a-EA (GRS)ā€™ to Bright Queen, the bulk carrier operated by NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers, certifying the use of green steel in its construction.This is the worldā€™s first case of a notation being affixed for using green steel in a ship.For Bright Queen, built by Higaki Shipbuilding, ClassNK confirmed the use of JFE Steel Corporationā€™s green steel JGreeX, for which it had previously conducted third-party certification of the GHG emissions reductions made in the manufacturing process.For each JGreeXā„¢ productā€¦

11 Oct 2024

EV Car Carrying Vessel sports AI-Powered Anomaly Detection

Positive Challenger.
Photo courtesy of ECL Shipmanagement Limited

ClassNK granted its ā€˜AFVC(FD)(EV)ā€™*1 notation to Positive Challenger, a car carrier operated by Eastern Car Liner Ltd., and managed by ECL Shipmanagement Limited, for vessels equipped with additional firefighting measures for transporting electric vehicles (EVs).Shipping companies are implementing various measures to address EV fires, which raise concerns due to difficulties in extinguishing and the risk of re-ignition. To support these efforts, ClassNK has issued the ā€˜Guidelinesā€¦

30 Sep 2024

Ammonia Ship-to-Ship Bunkering Boom earns ClassNK AIP

L to R: Tsutomo Yokoyama, Executive Officer, NYK; Laurent Poidevin, President and Representative Director, TBG; Hayato Suga, Senior Executive Vice President, ClassNK. Photo courtesy ClassNK

NYK and TB Global Technologies Ltd. (TBG) received a certificate for approval in principle (AiP) from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for the ship-to-ship supply of fuel ammonia. The AIP was conferred last week at Gastech in Houston.The most distinctive feature of the boom is a TBG-developed emergency-release system that allows the connection between an ammonia-fueled vessel and an ammonia bunkering vessel (ABV) to be disconnected instantly in an emergency.In acquiring the AiP, NYK provided design data for its in-house developed ABV.

18 Sep 2024

Japanese Shipping Majors Secure AiPs for Two Types of LCO2 Carriers

(Credit: MOL)

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) have issued approvals in principle (AiPs) for two types of low-pressure type liquefied CO2 (LCO2) carriers developed jointly by Japanā€™s industry majors.The LCO2 carriers have been developed by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (ā€œKā€ LINE), Nihon Shipyard, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line), Mitsui & Co, Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Shipbuilding.The two LCO2 carriers that received AiP certifications are low-pressure type 50ā€¦

18 Sep 2024

Asahi Kaseiā€™s Vessel Motors Monitoring Solution Gets ClassNK Recognition

(Credit: ClassNK)

ClassNK has granted its Innovation Endorsement for Products and Solutions to monitoring service for ocean vessel motors, V-MO, developed by Asahi Kasei Engineering Corporation.ClassNK has confirmed that the DSS notations (MM, CNS, SM), which indicate ships with advanced digital technology, can be applied to ClassNK-registered vessels equipped with the product.Short for Vessel Vibration Visualization Monitor, the V-MO offers condition monitoring service optimized for marine motors.