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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bimco News

30 May 2023

BIMCO Launches Ship Recycling Film

Source: BIMCO

BIMCO has launched a film calling for the urgent adoption of the Hong Kong International Convention for the safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (Hong Kong Convention) and for shipowners to only choose yards that live up to the convention.“Ship Recycling: Time for Change” is partly filmed at ship recycling yards in Alang, India, one of the largest ship recycling nations in the world together with Bangladesh. The film aims to raise awareness among global regulators…

16 Jun 2021

San Pedro Bay Ports Struggle to Keep Up with Record Box Flow

© newroadboy/AdobeStock

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach continue their record-breaking start to the year, exceeding pre-pandemic records again and again. Already under pressure to handle a throughput that has broken the pre-pandemic record every month for 11 months in a row, practically all ports in the US will have to continue to run fast to keep up, as peak season starts breathing down their necks.In May, loaded imports and total throughput in both ports broke their previous highs. In the Port of LA, 535,714 loaded TEU were imported, up from the previous record of 490,127 TEU.

27 Apr 2021

BIMCO Number of the Week: Brazil’s Iron Ore Exports up 14.4%

© Wagner/AdobeStock

In the early hours of 22 April 2021, Vale - the Brazilian mining giant, was ordered to temporary suspend shipping activities at the country’s Guaiba Island terminal, a dedicated iron ore export terminal. Later that day, the hurdle was cleared, and activities could resume. Should the market worry when Brazil’s iron ore exports are disrupted? Now, that all depends on the terminal.Ilha Guaiba, accounts for 7% of seaborne Brazilian iron ore exports. During February and March, 11 and eight Capesize ships departed the terminal, carrying an average of 220,000 tonnes of iron ore.