The U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a revised set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) relating to the requirement for carriers bringing cargo by ship to the United States to present in advance an electronic copy of the manifest. The new FAQ includes a discussion (on pages numbered 1 and 2) of the enforcement date. Previously, the enforcement date was March 4 (today). That is unchanged, except for bulk carriers, break bulk carriers, and passenger vessels. For this latter group, CBP is allowing a period of informed compliance for 30 days. On April 2, 2004, CBP will commence enforcement actions with regard to such carriers that fail to comply with the required advance electronic presentation of cargo information rule that was promulgated on December 5, 2003. Enforcement actions (whether starting today for the first group or April 2 for the second group) include denial of preliminary entry, issuance of penalties at each port of arrival, and denial of unlading. (HK Law).