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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Lysblink Seaways Update

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

February 23, 2015


The ‘Lysblink Seaways’ ran aground on 18 February at Kilchoan, Ardnamurchan Peninsula, in the western entrance to the Sound of Mull.

Early this morning the increased wind caused the vessel to drag her anchor. A tow line was placed on board and, as per. the contingency plan, the ‘Lysblink Seaways’ was towed back out to sea. This vessel is stable and at anchor 1.5 miles east of Kilchoan in Mingary Bay with her 9 crew on board. No oil sheen has been reported today and salvage work has been progressing well.

Salvors are making final preparatory for the transfer of fuel oil from the damaged tank to other internal tanks on board the vessel. This fuel will be removed from the ‘Lysblink Seaways’ when the weather improves. This work will need to be completed before the vessel can be towed away from the area for repair.

The high winds in the Sound of Mull are forecast to continue until Tuesday. The vessels ‘Forth Jouster’ and ‘Kingdom of Fife’ are on scene to assist with the salvage operation.

The Scottish Environment Group continue to monitor the operation and have a representative on scene. A Marine Response Centre has been established to assist with the oversight and delivery of counter pollution measures.

The Temporary Exclusion Zone of 200 metres for the vessel’s new location is now in place.