Russian LNG Carrier Launched
Sovcomflot’s new state-of-the-art LNG carrier 'Velikiy Novgorod' launched from STX Offshore & Shipbuilding shipyard.
The Velikiy Novgorod was ordered by OAO Sovcomflot for operations under a long-term agreement with Gazprom Global LNG (part of Gazprom) as the first of two vessels ordered by SCF from STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co. Ltd and her construction is scheduled to be completed in December, 2013. At the end of June, 2012, a steel cutting ceremony was held for the second gas carrier in the same series, Pskov, which is due to be delivered in 2014.
These state-of-the-art Ice2 (C1) Atlanticmax class gas carriers have a cargo capacity of around 170,000 cubic metres and are designed and equipped for navigation in challenging icy conditions. This makes them capable of transporting gas on a year-round basis from practically any existing LNG terminal in the world, including Russia’s first LNG project Sakhalin-II.
Seven years ago, SCF began to use its own gas carriers for the transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG); successfully breaking in to a new market segment that was previously inaccessible to Russian companies. SCF gas carriers operate all over the world, including all main regions of LNG production and consumption. These vessels are engaged in operations on various Russian and international projects involving LNG transportation and transhipment (including ship-to-ship).
The SCF fleet includes 8 LNG and LPG carriers which are engaged in both Russian and international projects. A further six gas carriers are under construction as part of a long-term time charter agreement with the world’s largest oil & gas companies.