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INTERTANKO's Council Meets in London

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 25, 2003

Discussion at INTERTANKO's Council and Executive Committee meetings in London last week emphasized the depth work by the association and its members since the last Council meeting in April. This has reached from lobbying to both industry and politicians, to discussions and negotiations at IMO; from work in the EU and US to Asia; from environmental issues to industry relationships and chemical issues; and also an increasing range of member services.

INTERTANKO has actively engaged in matters arising from the Prestige accident - specifically the accelerated phase-out of single-hull tankers, restriction on the carriage of heavy oils to double-hull tankers, expansion of the Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS). Work since the MEPC meeting in July has included extensive involvement in the reactivated Group of Experts, as well as participation in the UK-hosted informal contact group reviewing the proposed expansion of CAS and seeking clarification of the intent and interpretation of revised EU regulations. Specifically, Council debated INTERTANKO's policy on flag and endorsed the principles in the Round Table of Maritime Associations' (BIMCO, INTERCARGO, ICS, INTERTANKO) Guidelines on flag state performance. The purpose of these guidelines is to encourage shipowners and operators to examine whether a flag state has sufficient substance before using it, and also to encourage shipowners and operators to put pressure on their flag administrations to effect any improvements that might be necessary, especially in relation to safety of life at sea, the protection of the marine environment, the provision of decent working and living conditions for seafarers.These recommendatory guidelines will be published end September. Council elected four new Executive Committee members: Stefano Rosina (Premuda), Kuniaki Shirakuma (NYK), Manolis Verdonis (Thenamaris), Bruce Ogilvy (Stelmar). Council endorsed nominations for new committee members: Knut Dybvik (Odfjell USA) as chairman of the Chemical Tanker Sub-Committee Americas; Costis Kertsikoff (Eletson) as a member of the Hellenic Committee; John Damilatis (Kyklades) and Manolis Verdonis (Thenamaris) as vice chairmen of the Hellenic Forum; Lars Lundegard (Norden) as a member of ISTEC; Tim Horne (Teekay) as a member of the Worldscale Committee. Council approved applications for membership of three tanker-owning companies with a registered fleet of 9 tankers totalling 366,000 dwt: Pacific Carriers of Singapore; Diamlemos Shipping Corp of Greece; Sutrajaya Shipping of Malaysia. Council approved twelve applications for associate membership: JSC Maritime Agency Novotorik; Mainport Africa Shipping; Actimar; Entrix; Federation of Oil Seeds and Fats Association; International Transport Contractors; International Bunker Industry Association; AquaHabiStat; NEI Treatment Systems; Petrol Ofisi; Seagull AS; Chamber of Shiping Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean, Black Sea Region. The 2004 Tanker Event will be in Dubai from 28-31 March. The preliminary programme will be available soon.