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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

LINCS Offshore Wind Farm Cable Installed

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

June 14, 2012

Global Marine Energy completes near shore export cable installation at LINCS Offshore Wind Farm off the UK coast

Centrica Renewables Energy has confirmed that Global Marine Energy., the independent provider of subsea power cable installation, maintenance and related engineering services worldwide, has successfully completed its portion of the cable landing and near shore cable works related to the export cable at the LINCS Offshore wind farm.

Global Marine Energy installed the approximately 8km of 132 kV subsea power cable utilising the cable barge Nautilus Maxi which had been modified to meet the unique requirements of the project.

The LINCS offshore wind farm is located off the east coast of the United Kingdom is a joint venture between Centrica (50%) DONG Energy and Siemens Project Ventures. LINCS is immediately adjacent to the Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farms, two of Centrica's renewable projects that were completed and made operational in 2009. Once operational, the LINCS site will have an installed capacity of approximately 270MW.

By the end of 2012, the LINCS wind farm is expected to be operational and will power the annual electricity requirements of approximately 200,000 households, making a significant contribution towards the 2020 UK carbon reduction targets.

“Installing power cables in very shallow water presents some of the greatest challenges in our industry.” said Mark Leggett, Global Marine Energy CEO. “In this particular case the spring tides further complicated matters by presenting a very limited working window. Detailed planning, excellent support from the customer and well timed execution all contributed to a successful result.”