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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

DHS Introduces Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

May 3, 2006

Government Technology is reporting that the Department of Homeland Security announced the release of the Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan, one of eight plans supporting the National Strategy for Maritime Security. Key elements of the plan include guidelines for coordinated, national-level efforts to restore the flow of cargo and passenger vessels in response to a major disruption to the maritime transportation system. The plan also describes an exercise program that would be conducted periodically to assess the plan's effectiveness and the maritime community's ability to plan for, respond to, and recover from a national transportation security incident or incident of national significance. Originally completed in late 2005, the Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan's public release was delayed to allow additional review in light of the national response to Hurricane Katrina. The Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan would be implemented by the Secretary of Homeland Security in the event of a significant national transportation security incident. Source: Government Technology