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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

North P&I Club Update Guide to P&I Industry

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

March 15, 2012

The ‘A’ rated, 170 million GT North P&I club has published a second edition of its comprehensive introduction to the critically important topic of maritime liability cover - otherwise known as ‘protection and indemnity’ (P&I) - which recent international casualties, pirate attacks and trade sanctions have brought increasingly into the public eye.

Entitled ‘An Introduction to P&I Insurance and Loss Prevention, Second Edition’,  the 220-page guide focuses on the services provided by the 13 members of the International Group of P&I Clubs, which mutually insure some 90 percent of the world’s ocean-going fleet of merchant shipping tonnage. The guide also introduces the key international conventions and regulations governing international shipping practice, as well as the all-important topic of maritime loss prevention.

“Since we published the first edition in 2008, there have been many developments in international maritime conventions, regulations and contracts of carriage, as well as significant changes to liability and cover levels” said Tony Baker, North’s head of loss prevention. “The second edition has been comprehensively revised to include all of these changes, as well as details of the International Group’s 2012-2013 reinsurance program.”
The guide serves as the main reference book for North’s long-established training course on the topic. It is also forms part of North’s extensive range of popular maritime loss-prevention guides P&I insurance and loss prevention. Members wishing to use it as a stand-alone publication can buy copies directly from the club, while non-members can buy copies of all North’s guides from marine bookshops or directly from the club’s distributor Anchorage Press,