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Brexit Implications for Global Shipping, Sea Trade

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 4, 2016

 The buzzword for the post-Brexit landscape both in Europe and further afield is ‘uncertainty’. No-one really knows the long term effect that Brexit will have on local and global economies, says  Eversheds International.

However, as the dust settles following the referendum, market experts, industry analysts and businesses are assessing the position with cooler heads and so, whilst certainty may be a little way off, more concrete predictions and assertions of intent are beginning to emerge. 
This is evident daily in commentary and news from the shipping and sea trade sector.
The international shipping market is fuelled by trade, which in turn depends on the health of the global economy. The Brexit vote landed at a time when the shipping market, particularly in certain sectors like bulk freight, was already extremely challenging.
The factors which have contributed to dry bulk freight rates heading towards all-time lows in Q1 2016 reflect long term issues which would have persisted whatever the referendum result. These factors include oversupply of ships and the effect on global trade of the rebalancing of the Chinese economy following the boom of the last decade.
Sea trade in and out of the UK accounts for only a very small fraction of global shipping activity and therefore an isolated post-Brexit slowdown in the UK economy may be unlikely to impact dramatically on global freight volumes. 
This is reflected in some of the bullish reaction we have seen from industry players in recent weeks. Euronav’s chief executive was quoted in Lloyd’s List as saying, on a conference call for analysts: “It should be largely speaking something of a non-event in terms of impact on global trade for crude oil.”
For companies with income denominated in US Dollars, which will be the case for many international shipping companies, it could be temporarily beneficial, particularly if costs are in euros and sterling. Others comment that potential constraints in available finance, arising from the Brexit vote, may contribute to a longer term upturn in the market, in terms of helping address the current oversupply of vessels.
However, not all commentators are as optimistic. Whilst there seems generally to be agreement that the Brexit vote alone will not be hugely impactful on world trade, the consequences could be amplified when combined with other matters currently playing themselves out on the world stage. 
Tradewinds reported this week that Wells Fargo analyst Michael Webber, who covers shipping stocks for the bank, said that the combination of the rise of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee to the White House, the Brexit vote, uncertainty around Italy's banks and the coup attempt in Turkey could create "meaningful tail risk" for crude demand expectations in the second half of the year. 
If this prediction is accurate, it is likely to impact on demand for tanker shipping services and therefore freight rates.
The shipping industry, particularly the dry bulk and container sectors, is facing other macro threats to its existence in the longer term, which are completely unrelated to the Brexit vote. The rise of the digital economy and more widespread use of technology in logistics (for example drone deliveries) and the consumer sector (for example 3D printing) may impact on the longterm need for the same volume of goods to be carried by sea.
The global shipping market is experiencing challenging times, mainly due to factors which were set in train long before the brexit vote. However, the shipping industry is used to market cycles and draws resilience from the fact that global trade cannot function without international shipping. 
Regional issues like the Brexit vote certainly have the power to impact the market, but if ultimately they are not significant enough to affect global supply and demand for physical goods and commodities, they are unlikely to prove more than a drop in the ocean in terms of their individual impact on the global shipping market.  
The impact of the vote is bound to be felt more locally, in the UK and European shipping industry. 
Particular markets, such as the UK offshore market and the UK marine professional services market, will be watching the negotiations unfold very carefully in order to evaluate both the issues and also the opportunities that brexit creates for them depending on the future structure of relations both between the UK and the EU and the UK and the rest of the world.