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IMO Focuses on a Blue, Sustainable Economy

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

November 27, 2018

A full house at the IMO side event at the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference has brought together experts in the maritime sector, trade and development.

Member States of the African Union, United Nations agencies, national governments, regional and international development agencies, development and financial institutions, maritime professionals and experts, civil societies, port authorities, port management associations, shipowner and fishing vessel owner organizations, as well as relevant universities, training institutions, relevant businesses and the private sector participated in the event.

The event, on “How States can leverage the #BlueEconomy into their national policies” was part of IMO’s on-going efforts to support a sustainable blue economy for Africa and beyond.

Conference participants were welcomed by IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim, who highlighted in his speech the need for “closer collaboration and communication to ensure the sustainable development of activities in our oceans”. A wide variety of speakers spoke on four sub themes (see full list of speakers and themes).

During the discussions (photos), IMO’s Chris Trelawny highlighted the need for States to adopt “whole of government, joined up approaches” in their national maritime development policies. Mr. Trelawny also advised governments to continue to speak to their universities, because there was “undoubtedly, no shortage of talent in Africa”.

Adding to the discussion, Norwegian Minister of International Development, H.E. Nikolai Astrup, said that “any national strategy on the oceans needs the private sector” to work with States, while UNECA’s Adeyinka Adeyemi emphasised that “litter does not stop at the border”, in his call for countries to work together on maritime issues.

The side event was moderated by IMO Acting Director, Technical Cooperation Division, Juvenal Shiundu.