Houston Marine Training Teams Up with MGI
The CBT program is approved by the U.S. Coast Guard and fully meets the STCW requirements for the traditional classroom portion of Basic Safety Training. The courseware is delivered using interactive multimedia that combines CBT with practical training. The modular design allows ongoing student interaction in a proctored, self-paced learning environment. Each student must still be assessed for proficiency in fire fighting, water survival, and first aid. The benefits of this training method delivered in an electronic teaching format are crew flexibility, cost savings, and student data management.
Maintaining crew flexibility is vital to companies competing in a global economy. Training is available around the clock when delivered onboard the vessels. When the student has completed the CBT elements, the student can enroll in the instructor lead practical field/final assessment for fire fighting, water survival, and first aid.
Both companies and employees are burdened with the cost of training related expenses. The reduction in training hours, travel costs, and the integration of the training with work schedules will result in substantial cost savings.
Each student's progress is captured on a "Student Access Card." Instructor observation capabilities allow electronic monitoring of the student's course progression. The scores and progress sheets are available to the instructor or training coordinator by accessing the administration database.