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Greenpeace's 'Arctic Sunrise' Skipper Refused Bail

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

October 14, 2013

Peter Wilcox: Photo courtesy of Greenpeace

Peter Wilcox: Photo courtesy of Greenpeace

The captain of the Greenpeace International ship 'Arctic Sunrise' and two other activists have been refused bail by a Russian Court informs Greenpeace International.

American Pete Willcox appeared this morning before a court in Murmansk. He was the captain of the Arctic Sunrise when it was seized last month by armed men from the Russian security forces. He was also the captain of the Rainbow Warrior in 1985 when it was bombed by the French secret service, killing Greenpeace photographer Fernando Pereira.

Commenting on the latest developments Peter Willcox’s wife Maggie Willcox said:

"Most people try to do at least something for the greater good, sometimes occasionally, sometimes for sustained periods. Rarely do people devote their entire life trying to make the world a better place. Peter is one of those rare people. He is a hero not a pirate. I appeal to the common sense and conscience of the Russian authorities to let my husband and the rest of the people from the Arctic Sunrise come home."

Following the seizure of his ship last month, Willcox refused a demand made under armed guard by Russian authorities to sail the Arctic Sunrise toward the Russian port city of Murmansk. Instead the ship was towed.

In a 1993 Hollywood film about the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior, the role of Pete Willcox was played by Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight - father of Angelina Jolie.