The examination of metallic materials and failure analysis for the sectors of ship operation systems, civil engineering, plant technology and machinery will now also be offered in Hamburg by GLP, the testing laboratory of Germanischer Lloyd. To complement the branches in Mülheim, Herne and Stuttgart, the operating area of materials testing and failure analysis is being expanded into the North German region.
The service spectrum of routine materials testing includes destructive and non-destructive tests, metallography, corrosion examinations, chemical analyses as well as investigations employing light-optical and scanning electron microscopy. In the failure analysis of components, the laboratory's offering is directed at the steel trade, materials manufacturers, engineering firms, suppliers of ship operation technology, and steel construction companies.
With a comprehensive array of equipment and a databank-based laboratory software environment, routine tests and testing orders are processed speedily, from the preparation of samples to the issuing of certificates.
Germanischer Lloyd Prüflabor will be commencing its operations in Hamburg with a staff of four in addition to the management. For the planned expansion of the laboratory, material engineers, material testers and milling machinists are being sought in particular.