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Keel Laid for Russia’s Next Generation Icebreaker

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

May 28, 2015


The world’s biggest nuclear-powered icebreaker keel laying ceremony took place of at the Baltic Shipyard on 26 May 2015.

Heads of Atomfflot, the Baltic Shipyard and the RS Branch Office for Nuclear Vessels signed a Keel Laying Acceptance Report of the first serial nuclear-powered icebreaker, project 22220.

Bookmark nuclear-powered icebreaker "Sibir" was timed to the anniversary of the Baltic plant, which on May 26 turned 159 years . In the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of State Corporation "Rosatom" Sergei Kiriyenko, the president of USC Alexey Rakhmanov, the governor of the Murmansk region Marina Kovtun and other honorary guests of the event laid the first serial icebreaker project 22220, dubbed "Siberia".

Traditionally, the bottom sections of the ship was set BS board with the date of the event. Act signed tab Director General of FSUE "Atomflot" Vyacheslav Ruksha, director of nuclear ships, a branch of the FAA "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping" Vladimir Rozvorsky and General Director of "Baltic Shipbuilding Plant," Alexey Kadilov.

The presence of high-ranking guests at the ceremony stressed the importance of the project 22220 in which they will be built three nuclear-powered icebreaker, designed for the development of Arctic territories. In March this year, pursuant to the decree of the President of Russia set up a special government commission on the development of the Arctic.

"The Arctic in the 21st century will face the interests of all the great powers, - said Dmitry Rogozin. - Today Russia should independently produce a world sovereignty and to defend himself. And it can be done only by having unique technologies ledokolostroeniya, the nuclear industry. Already much has been done in this direction. We supported Rosatom and USC who were fans of the idea of building this series of icebreakers and defend the principles of mass production. "

In turn, in his welcome speech, the head of Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko thanked the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, for their cooperation, and noted that joint efforts will help to cope with the important task of the state.

"The President and the Government give priority to the development of the shipbuilding industry, including nuclear, because it addresses the most important defense tasks: providing the output of hydrocarbons to developing new fields on the Arctic shelf, providing navigation for the Northern Sea Route - the most important commercial direction ", - said Sergei Kiriyenko.

A decision on mass production of nuclear icebreakers Project 22220 was made ​​by the country in difficult financial times. According to the president of USC Alexei Rakhmanov, it shows the power of trust to a corporation.

"We have allocated funds for the construction of a series of nuclear-powered icebreakers - it's a big responsibility to the major customers, - said Alexey Rakhmanov. - Carrying out modernization of all branch factories of the North-West region and building a series of boats and ships, we will reach a whole new level of performance and quality. This will help to beat a path to Russian natural resources in all the markets that we consider strategic for themselves. And today we take a new step in this direction - a real laid another arctic terrain vehicle. "

In turn, the general director of the Baltic Shipbuilding Factory Alex Kadilov promised on behalf of all the Balts to build three nuclear-powered project quality and on time, "Baltic sailors will make every effort to build quality vessels to test together with the time and put the Atomflot icebreakers in Murmansk harbor wall. "

Recall that the head nuclear icebreaker "Arktika" was laid on 5 November 2013. The contract for construction of two nuclear icebreakers serial 22220 project was concluded between the company "Baltic Shipbuilding Plant," and the state corporation "Rosatom" in May 2014. The contract value amounted to 84.4 billion rubles.