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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Eight Japanese Ports Join The Green Award

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

March 3, 2024

Source: The Green Award

Source: The Green Award

The Green Award Foundation has announced that eight ports managed by the Osaka Ports and Harbors Bureau have joined as new Incentive Providers, offering discounted port fees to Green Award certified vessels that call their ports.

This expands The Green Award’s network to 47 ports incentivising safety and sustainability in shipping globally.

Among the eight new Japanese ports are the Port of Sakai-Senboku and Port of Hannan, two major industrial ports situated in the Osaka Bay. With a long history as trading hubs, these ports serve as export bases and energy supply points for the Kansai region and greater western Japan area. Their large ship traffic and strategic location along key Asian shipping lanes make them prime candidates to influence industry adoption of Green Award’s rigorous safety and sustainability certification program.

“Having the backing of critical industrial ports like Sakai-Senboku and Hannan demonstrates the growing regional importance of Green Award in Asia,” said Jan Fransen, Executive Director of The Green Award. “Their support will boost our visibility and make a compelling case for ship owners to further invest in safety and sustainability.”

The new ports join The Green Award’s two existing network members in the Osaka region—the Port of Osaka and Port of Kobe, which offer discounted port fees of 10% and have participated since 2020 and 2021, respectively. Port of Osaka has since increased the discount rate to 15%.

The Port of Osaka is a one of Asia’s foremost trading hubs, handling several million tons of cargo annually. The Port of Kobe has long served as a critical link for trade with its vast liner connectivity to Europe, North America, Australia and key Asian markets.