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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Next Steps in IMO’s Energy Efficiency Training

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 15, 2016

 International Maritime Organization (IMO) is continuing its work to support developing countries to prevent air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from ships with a global training exercise held in Batumi, Georgia (12-14 September). 

Participants are being trained to use three new draft guides, specifically developed under IMO’s GloMEEP project in collaboration with IMArEST, which cover i) rapid assessment for determining the country maritime energy efficiency and emissions status, ii) maritime energy efficiency strategy development, and iii) incorporation of MARPOL Annex VI into national law.
Thirty-seven participants from all 10 GloMEEP lead pilot countries* are taking part in the exercise, which will lay the foundation for further work in the countries going forward. 
Countries will develop their own national reports that clarify their status on maritime energy efficiency and emissions from ships; set out national maritime energy efficiency strategies and policies; and lay out draft national legislation covering MARPOL Annex VI.
IMO is represented by Jose Matheickal, Edmund Hughes, Aicha Cherif and Astrid Dispert.