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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dutra Launches Hydraulic Dump Scow

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 28, 2019

Photo courtesy of DCA

Photo courtesy of DCA

On August 20, 2019, Dutra’s new Jones Act built Hydraulic Dump Scow ES15 was successfully launched, christened, commissioned and will finish sea trials and additional testing this week.  Next week the ES15 will head to Massachusetts to to work on the Boston Harbor Deepening Project.

ES15 is a 6,000cy Hydraulic Dump Scow built in Corn Island Shipyard in Grandview, Indiana, located at 734 Mile Marker on the Ohio River. Departing from Corn Island, IN  on August 27, 2019, the vessel will head south on the Ohio River, connect with the Mississippi River, transit into the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida and head up the Atlantic seaboard into Boston, MA.

Corn Island Shipyard (CIS) is a premier builder of custom barges and specialized marine structures. CIS has achieved prominence by producing vessels with a high degree of automation, employing a highly skilled workforce, and offering in-house design and engineering utilizing state of the industry 2D and 3D design programs. CIS has produced custom marine vessels for customers on both the East, Gulf and West Coasts, Gulf and in most states on the inland waterway system.  Corn Island Shipyard specializes in the manufacture of custom designed products for both ocean service and inland waterway service.

Dutra Dredging, with more than 100 years in the dredging business, is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay. 

“Dutra Group has invested in the construction of a new state of the art Jones Act hydraulic scow barge — it will be immediately put to good use on the Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project," said William P. Doyle, CEO of the Dredging Contractors of America.

 The ongoing Phase 2 of Boston Harbor involves dredging 11.7 million cubic yards of silt, blue clay, till and weathered rock. The $122.2 million contract was awarded to the Joint Venture of Cashman Dredging Inc. and Dutra Group in February 2018. Construction started in July 2018 and is anticipated to be completed in October 2021.