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Thursday, July 18, 2024

New Clues Discovered in Australian AE1 Search

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 10, 2014

  • Photo: Richard Cordell
  • Photo: Pup Elliott
  • Photo: Richard Cordell Photo: Richard Cordell
  • Photo: Pup Elliott Photo: Pup Elliott

The Australian Defense Force (ADF) confirmed that a number of contacts of interest were discovered during the search for lost 1914 submarine AE1 by HMAS Yarra in the Duke of York Islands, Papua New Guinea.

The contacts were located during the search for HMAS AE1 conducted between September 6-9. According to the ADF, a number of contacts were able to be classified as natural objects; however, one contact remains unidentified and will require further investigation. ADF will not disclose the exact location of the contact until it is properly identified.

These types of contacts are frequent in this region due to large rocky outcrops or ridging along the sea bed, as well as battle debris from World War II.

The seabed in the search area is a very steep volcanic shelf with numerous large rocks. The water deepens quickly as it extends from the coast.

The contact will require further interrogation prior to confirmation or elimination. This will be subject to current operational requirements.

The Royal Australian Navy is working closely with other government departments as well as the Government of Papua New Guinea and traditional communities.