Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Indonesia Plan Designated Safe Anchorages To Thwart Piracy

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

June 14, 2014

Indonesian authorities are seeking to tackle the growing trend of pirates targeting tankers in South Asian waters for hijacking and cargo thefts.

This includes the planned establishment by the Indonesian Marine Police of designated safe anchorages within some ports, which will be monitored and patrolled regularly.

These designated areas (with coordinates) are:
Belawan:       03:55.00N-098:45.30E
Dumai:         01:42.00N-101:28.00E
Nipah:         01:07.30N-103:37.00E
Tanjung Priok: 06:00.30S-106:54.00E
Gresik:        07:09.00S-112:40.00E
Taboneo:       04:41.30S-114:28.00E
Adang Bay:     01:40.00S-116:40.00E
Muara Berau:   00:17.00S-117:36.00E
Muara Jawa:    01:09.00S-117:13.00E
Balikpapan:    01:22.00S-116:53.00E

Further details will be provided as available.

For information about operations in Indonesia, contact [email protected]