Derelict MSC Flaminia Latest News
Vessel has been towed closer to the UK coast, but adverse weather prevents boarding of safety experts.
The managing agents report follows:
MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying tug boats FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION (Fairmount Marine) and ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN (L.P. Knight) have arrived on the southwestern coast of the UK. The planned safety inspection [regarding pernission to pass through the English Channel & other European waters en route towards Wilhelmshaven, Germany] will be conducted as soon as weather conditions make possible a secure transfer of the experts onboard the vessel. So far, the transfer was not possible due to adverse weather.
On August 23, 2012, an oil monitoring airplane of the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies has overflown MSC FLAMINIA. During this flyover it could be confirmed that no liquids are leaking out of the vessel.
The German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies and ship managers Reederei NSB continue to work together to coordinate any further processes regarding MSC FLAMINIA’s salvage.
Results of the fact-finding team [waiting to board] with respect to stabillity of the vessel and hotspots in cargo holds 3 and 7 remain to be seen.