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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Update from Cyclone Hit Indian Ports

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

October 15, 2014

Two ports on the Eastern Coast of India that suffered extensive damage from the Hudhud cyclone have provided a status update.

 Gangavaram Port

Yesterday night port declared the impact of cyclone HudHud as  ‘force majeure’.

As a very preliminary assessment of the port, “Hudhud” has caused extensive damage to Port infrastructure, including conveyor system, storage sheds, and other storage areas. The extent of damage will only be assessed and estimated in due course.
Further, at this preliminary stage, it is apprehended that it may take around four weeks or more for Port operations to begin in a phased manner, though port indicating they will endeavor with best efforts to resume Port operations as early as possible. Therefore, in case any vessel is waiting at anchorage, they are advising owners to divert the vessel in their own interest.
It is further apprehended that there may be cargo losses as well.
Visakhapatnam Port:
Due to falling of major transmission towers and other distribution network, there is no power at Vizag port from last Sunday and as per indications of port authorities it will take minimum 3 days to restore power.
Outer Harbour:
Mechanical loading of iron ore at OB2 / OB1: After restoration of power port authorities indicated  it will take one day to check functioning of shore conveyor system and loader.
VGCB (in outer harbour): Understand the berth suffered some damages. The conveyor systems alignment disturbed. Their yard is inundated with water. Vendanta Official indicating following:
-    It may take about 2 to 3 days for water to recede and for restoration of power supply.
-    After restoration of power supply, it may take another 3 days to repair various damages to bring back the system to working condition.
View above VGCB unlikely able to handle any vessel in next 5 to 6 days.
Off Shore Tanker Terminal (OSTT): Understand this tanker terminal also suffered extensive damages, details of which are still awaited. Till the damages are rectified, HPCL will not be able to handle their crude import tankers at OSTT.
VCTPL: Other than some empties blown off their position, no other damage so far is known to us at this container terminal.
Inner Harbour:
AVCTPL (EQ1 Adani Terminal):
This new terminal yet to be officially declared for commercial operations reported to have suffered only some minor damages and understand from the local head, their technical team is arriving to attend to these minor damages.
VSPL (EQ8 & EQ9 berths): Shall revert.
Other berths of VPT (EQ berths, WQ berths, OR1, OR2, Fertiliser berth): In today berthing meeting, no damages for these berths were reported by port. However only after restoration of power and normal communication systems and completion of assessment of damages, better picture likely emerge.
General for Vizag Port:
As far as port is concerned they are willing to berth any vessel in their above berths if the agent requests.
For berthing of vessels at private terminals, port requires NOC from respective operator (VCTPL, VGCB, VSPL ) and so far none of them gave clearance to port for vessels berthing.
But due to non availability of petrol (Motor Spirit ) and diesel (HSD) at retail outlets, loaders and dumpers cannot operate in cargo operations. Also there is no power to the shore cranes.