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Water in Lena River in Yakutia to Reach Critical Level

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

February 16, 2016

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry predicts rise in water level to critical levels of 92 rivers in all regions of the Far East. The most unfavorable situation may arise on the Lena River in Yakutia.

"After analyzing the information about the state of the ice in the rivers of the Far East and the amount of snow cover, the specialists of the Far Eastern Center for Monitoring and Forecasting Emergency Situations Ministry predict the possibility of raising the water level to the achievement of critical levels of 92 rivers in all regions of the Far East. In connection with the probability of flooding of low-lying terrain, populated areas, farmland and roads during the spring flood is not excluded on the whole territory of the region ", - reported in the Far Eastern Regional Emergency Center.

The most unfavorable situation may arise on the Lena River in Yakutia, where the thickness of the ice above the norm. Between opening and active rivers melting snow which may lead to congestion and the rise of water level. Total in the Far East today zatoroopasnyh 280 sites, of which 87 threaten flooding of settlements.

plans for comprehensive measures have been developed in all regions of the Far East. Organized training 49 teams explosives that can, if necessary, quickly go to those areas of the rivers, where ice jams occurred, and to eliminate the risk of flooding of settlements.

In addition, the availability will be rescuers, operational teams and aircraft EMERCOM of Russia. This year, in order to monitor the passage of spring floods, carrying out rescue and evacuation in case of worsening of flood situation planned work of more than 400 task forces. To strengthen the group in May at Lena rivers Aldan, Amga Viluy and planned work of operational groups of the regional center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Also, traditionally this year in Yakutia on the problem areas of the rivers set of measures for cutting the blackened and ice will be held.

Overall, for the implementation of measures for accident-free pass flood waters in the Far East created the grouping of forces and means of more than 47 thousand people and more than 10 thousand units.