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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

NY State Canal Corporation Boosts Earth Day Event

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

April 7, 2011

Volunteer groups and individuals are invited to join the New York State Canal Corporation staff for the annual Canal Clean Sweep, scheduled for the weekend of April 15-17, 2011.

The events along the 524-mile-long Canal system help celebrate Earth Day and to prepare the canals for the regular navigation season that is scheduled to begin on May 1, 2011.
Brian U. Stratton, director of the New York State Canal System, said, "The Canal Clean Sweep is a great way for community groups and residents throughout the canal corridor to demonstrate a sense of stewardship for their Canal, and to have a little fun while they're at it."
Other partners for the "Canal Clean Sweep" include the private Parks and Trails New York and the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation. Last year more than 90 groups participated in the clean-up weekend.
For more information on the Sixth Annual Canal Clean Sweep, or to help coordinate an event in your community, please contact Wally Elton of Parks and Trails New York at (518) 434-1583 or email [email protected]. To register events online, please visit Parks and Trails New York's website (