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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Signed

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

October 29, 2001

The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport (NUWCDIVNPT) has signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the University of Rhode Island (URI), entitled "Non-Toxic Methods for Corrosion Resistance and Biofouling Prevention," in order to continue work on the development of non-chromate coatings.

For several years, a NUWCDIVNPT/URI team has been researching the development of a non-toxic, anti-fouling coating for application below the waterline on U.S. Navy surface ships, submarines, and support equipment. The effort was initiated after DoD mandated the elimination of hexavalent chromium in corrosion conversion coatings. The NUWC/URI research team's work was recently acknowledged at the URI's Annual Recognition Luncheon for Outstanding Research, Outreach and Intellectual Property for work in the area of material coatings research. NUWC engineers Dr. Wayne Tucker, an engineer in the Missile & Platform Systems Department, and Maria Medeiros, a scientist in the Division's Torpedo Systems Technology Department; joined Dr. Richard Brown of URI's Chemical Engineering Department, to receive the award for their project entitled "A Non-Chromate Primer for Paint."

The team has successfully tested chromium replacements in the laboratory, which will meet military specifications for salt spray testing. To date, no other alternative has been able to match chromium in the 30-day test. Full-scale testing will now begin with the hope of providing the Navy with a non-toxic replacement for chromate systems.