Petrobas Contracts For 23 New OSV's
Petrobras has signed contracts with Brazilian shipbuilders as part of its 3rd 'Fleet Renewal Plan for Offshore Support Vessels (OSV's).
The units, type PSV 4500 and OSRV 750, fulfill 60% local content requirements and will be built in Brazil. Petrobas say tha prices presented were competitive, given expected metrics and budgets.

This was the 4th Round of the Fleet Renewal Plan. In July this year, Petrobras will go to the market for another 24 offshore support vessels (5th Round), thus fulfilling the 2014 contracting target of 146 vessels to be built in Brazil, as planned in the 3rd Renewal Plan Fleet for Offshore Support Vessels.
Among the named shipyards are:
Starnav Serviços MarĂtimos Ltda., Galáxia MarĂtima Ltda., Geonavegação S.A., AstromarĂtima Navegação S.A. and Oceanpact Serviços MarĂtimos Ltda.