Port of Los Angeles Container Volumes Decrease in April
The Port of Los Angeles released its April 2013 cargo volumes, showing a 9.45% decrease in overall volumes compared to April 2012. The decrease was due in large part to a vessel service that shifted out of the Port of Los Angeles.
Imports dropped 10.36%, from 364,555 Twenty-Foot Equivalent (TEU) containers in April 2012 to 326,780 TEUs this April. Exports decreased 14.3%, from 186,838 TEUs in April 2012 to 160,129 TEUs in April 2013.
Combined, total loaded imports and exports for April decreased 11.69%, from 551,393 TEUs last April to 486,910 TEUs in April 2013. Factoring in empties, which decreased 1.52% year over year, overall April 2013 volumes (640,330 TEUs) dropped 9.45% compared to April 2012 (707,182 TEUs).