Transport Minister David Collenette today announced the appointment of Martyn J. Green of Nanoose Bay, B.C., to the board of directors of the Nanaimo Port Authority.
Mr. Green, who attended the London Polytechnic and London University, most recently served as president and general manager of Burrard Clean Operations, an industry oil spill response cooperative. He has conducted many oil spill response training sessions on a variety of subjects in Canada, the United States and in Vietnam. In 1972, he joined the British Columbia Petroleum Association, a petroleum industry trade organization, and created a spill response network. Prior to 1972, Mr. Green served as a senior marketing manager with a major international petroleum corporation. He is currently the president of the Vancouver Maritime Museum and serves on both the boards of directors of the Western Marine Community and the Pitch-in British Columbia Waste Management Society.
"Mr. Green's extensive experience and knowledge in oil spill response and his contribution to oil spill response legislation is well known and respected," said Mr. Collenette. "I am very pleased that he has agreed to take on this responsibility with the board and I know his talents will be well used."