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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Maersk Line Launches Asia-Europe Network

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

January 9, 2007

Maersk Line is pleased to announce our improved Asia - Europe network, which we will launch in April 2007. The new Asia - Europe network is a result of the ongoing review of Maersk Line's global network. "To support the improvements and accommodate the expected market growth of 15% on the westbound trade we will increase our capacity by 13% during 2007, primarily through deployment of larger tonnage," says Peter Frederiksen, senior vice president in Maersk Line. The restructured Asia - Europe network will also feature enhanced coverage of the markets in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Maersk Line will dedicate 2 services to these markets with direct calls in Istanbul (Turkey), Piraeus and Thessaloniki (Greece), Constantza (Romania) and Ilychevesk (Ukraine). Emma Maersk and her sister vessels (the PS-class) will be deployed in the AE7 service, which connects East and South China to our hub in Algeciras (Spain) and the Northern European markets.