May 2020 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: Fleet Management
Profiles in Maritime Training: Martyn Thomas, Chief of Staff, Stream Marine Training Ltd. (SMT) Page: 18
Training Tips for Ships #12: Training in COVID-19 Times - A “How to Guide” Page: 12
Maritime Medical: Keeping Ship Crews Healthy During a Pandemic Page: 26
Interview: Steinar Nerbovik, President & CEO, Philly Shipyard Page: 8
Interview: John Waterhouse, EBDG - “Be Bold in Thinking but Cautious in Application” Page: 34
The Final Word: COVID-19 & the Treatment of Seafarers Page: 58
Tech File: Automating Ballast Ops When Installing BWMS Page: 54
Crew Training for a Future that Includes Autonomous Vessels Page: 14
Tech Talk: Managing Ship Biofouling During Layups due to COVID-19 Page: 46
BMT’s Pentamaran: Next-gen Hull for Autonomous Ops Page: 52
Interview: Takeshi Okamoto, ClassNK Page: 28
Coast Guard Auxiliary Supports Research Efforts Page: 50
Profiles in Training: Capt. Ted Morley, MPT Page: 16